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It was just a touch, but for reasons that Ada couldn’t understand or explain, it was so much more. Add on top of that the way Arlo’s eyes glistened in the faint light, trying to dive into her soul… she felt herself wanting to walk down that stone staircase, open the door and let him in.

“Are you guys having a staring contest?” Brooklyn’s voice shot Ada back into reality. “Who’s winning?”

Ada blinked, shook her head and smirked. “Me, of course.”

“I disagree. We’ll have to have a rematch later.” Arlo winked at her, and Ada wanted him to whisk her away then and there.

So much for staying rooted in reality,she scolded herself.If you don’t get it together, you’re gonna completely lose it on this Brazil trip. Remember, people come and go. You can only truly rely on yourself.

“Sad we missed this staring contest,” Maggie said while wiggling her brows coyly.

Ada rolled her eyes, trying to convey:whatever you think is happening, isn’t. Even if there was, she wasn’t about to admit it.

Maggie moved on by clapping her hands together. “Since you guys are leaving us on Christmas morning, what do you say we go back and open some presents?”

“Really?” Brooklyn beamed.

Arlo stood. “I don’t know… I was thinking about keeping what I got you.”

Brooklyn hit Arlo playfully on the arm. He bent down and she jumped on his back.

As they walked to the car, Maggie wrapped her arm around Ada’s shoulder. “I’m gonna miss you, but I’m alsosoexcited to hear about your trip. Let yourself have fun, okay? And just see what happens.”

Ada blew out a breath and leaned her head against Maggie’s. “I’ll try my best.”

There was a part of her that wanted to take Maggie’s advice and just see what happened, but the other part of her was terrified of finding out.

That night, Ada was packing her suitcase for Brazil when she heard a knock. She immediately recognized the tapping pattern as Arlo’s.

“Come in,” she said.

Arlo slowly cracked open the door. “Hey, you forgot your Christmas socks from Maggie.” Arlo handed her the green socks with pink flamingos dressed as Santa.

“Oh no, can’t forget those,” Ada said sarcastically.

Arlo leaned against the door frame. “I also wanted to say thanks again for coming to Brazil with us.”

“Thanks for paying.” Ada shot him a coy smirk.

He opened the door wider, revealing a small brown bag with white gift wrap peeking out the top. “I didn’t get a chance to give you your present earlier.”

“Oh… I didn’t get you anything.”

Arlo shrugged and handed it to her. “I saw it at the Christmas Tree Festival and thought of you.”

Ada raised an eyebrow. Setting the bag on her bed, she pulled out white tissue revealing a bright red coffee mug. Raising it up, she read the words in white, “I elfin love Christmas.”

“I know you’re not a big Christmas person…” Arlo looked down at his hands.

Ada smiled. “I love it. Thank you.”

“Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love with the holiday season this year.”

“Maybe.” Ada bit her lip.

Arlo moved toward the door and then paused. “Merry Christmas, Ada James.”

Setting the mug on her dresser, Ada let herself fall onto the bed. Her mind was filled with nine Arlo Silvas dancing in her head. The fact that she didn’t immediately make them disappear, scared her.

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