Page 60 of Ink

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It's all I can shout, but he smiles at me while his brother rasps, "Jackson, get back over here now."

But he doesn't listen; instead, he grips my hand with his while I'm vaguely aware of its pain. "Sophie, do you really think I'd live in a world where you're not in it? When we bikers fall, baby, we fall hard, which means if you jump, I will follow you. You are my home, my pixie, and my heart, and I understand how much you are hurting right now. I see it in your eyes every day, but if you leave me, then how you are feeling right now is how I will feel. I need you, baby; I need you like I need air to breathe. You can't leave me."

I shake my head, and I squeeze my eyes tightly shut until I hear Momma again.

"Baby girl, please."

I gasped, "Momma."

She needs me; I need her. I can't live in a world without her holding my hand.

"Sophie, sweetheart. Your Momma wouldn't want this, darling. She wouldn't want you to end it all. She was hurting, sweetheart; she was hurting badly. Even after four years, she couldn't live without her soulmate. I understand she had you, but she was lonely, and she knew you had Jackson and Leah; she knew you had us. Please, darling, don't break my son's heart by leaving him like this; don't let me lose him and Dagger lose his brother. Fight, fight for him, fight for the life you can both have, fight for the life your Momma wanted you to have, but most importantly, darling girl, fight for yourself."

I open my eyes and look ahead again, and the realization hits me.

What am I doing?

Why did I do this to him and to them, TO LEAH?

"Oh God!"

I let out a sob as the realization hits me hard and harder to what I'm actually about to do and the pain I'm putting Jackson through before my foot slips, making me gasp out a scream before I hear a bunch of curses. Half of my body slips from the ledge. Jackson's hand tightens on mine, determination shining through his beautiful gray eyes to pull me back up before several hands grip a hold of him tightly, holding him straight while grabbing my arm, most likely bruising me before pulling me over the ledge.

I fall to the fall in sobs before Jackson wraps his arms around me tightly,

"I'm s-s-so s-sorry, so s-sorry," I say over and over while he rocks me in his arms, reassuring me over and over for what I was just about to do, what I was just about to make him do because of his love for me ok when it wasn't.

The guilt started to burn through me.

"Fuck, she's bleeding," I hear someone say as a hand grips mine to look at my wound while all I can say over and over,

"I'm so sorry, please, s-s-so sorry."

Chapter 24

Ink – A Month Later

I sigh and drop the magazine on the clear glass table before me.

I look around; the walls are white, and even the couches and chairs are white.

Fucking, white.

I hate white, but I'm willing to deal with my girl. Sophie's in with Dr. Shall. After I managed to stop her from falling from that fucking bridge and got an earful from Leah, thinking I knew what was best for my girl at that point in time to keep them apart—which was fucking wrong—I've been glued to her fucking side. And if I hadn't been able to, then Clitter has or a brother.

She's never been on her own unless it's to fucking piss.

I sigh again and sit forward, placing my elbows on my knees and linking my fingers together before dropping my head forward. The image of her slipping comes back over and over. I thought my life nearly ended then; my grip on her hand was so tight that I thought I broke her fingers when I saw the blood when in reality, she'd cut open her hands and legs while climbing over the fucking barbed wire fence behind my house.

I shake my head before sitting back up again, ignoring the brunette receptionist who fucking stares at me. I look straight ahead, crossing my arms over my chest while leaning back in my chair and pretending she doesn't fucking exist. For the past four weeks, we've been coming here four times a week. The first week, I was in every session, but for the past three weeks, Dr. Shall wanted her to try the sessions alone. Each time she comes out in tears, it fucking hurts, and not having her momma here to turn hurts her, especially now Leah has pulled back from their friendship.

I start bouncing my right leg.

A few more minutes, and they should be walking out. I hate being away from her, especially after last month. I need her in my sight, always.

I'm brought out of my head when someone stands in front of me, and I look up to see hazel eyes full of lust, and I sigh, shaking my head. The woman's twirling her hair in her finger, looking at me seductively, and now I'm fucking pissed. She knows I come here with my girl, and yet she's going to hit on me anyway, and I know this kind of woman won't piss off until I've told her too.

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