Page 61 of Ink

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With another sigh, I look up and tilt my head, looking bored.

"Can I help you?"

She smiles wide at me, happy that I acknowledged her.

"Yeah, there's something you can help me with, baby, preferably in the back room."

I shake my head at her audacity before my Pixie's voice echoes in the room.

"And what would that be, sweetheart?"

I smile at the fierceness in her voice before I stand and walk over to her, smiling wider, seeing she's not come out in tears. Her red hair is up high in a ponytail; she's in tight jeans and a crop top, showing off her gorgeous stomach with her cut on top, which she only realized what it was this morning, causing her to tear up with happiness.

Her green eyes burn with rage at the receptionist as Dr. Shall speaks.

"Yes, Candice, I'd like the answer to that as well because surely you are not trying to seduce one of my clients' partners."

I grin before wrapping my arm around my girl's waist from behind, placing my face into her neck. I take a deep breath of her vanilla scent; fuck, she smells good. My grin turns into a smirk when finally, fucking finally, her feistiness that only comes out with me and Leah returns.

"First of all, sweetheart, he's not your baby; I'm his, and second of all, he wouldn't touch one inch of your Botox body even if you paid him to," the woman gasps while I chuckle. "Now, why don't you go do your job and make me an appointment for one week today before you end up losing your job and stay the hell away from my man?"

I bite my lip before I realize what she just said, and I turn her in my arms, making her giggle, and does that sound good coming from her lips?

"One week today?"

Are they really cutting her sessions down?

She smiles at me before laying her head against my chest, my arms automatically wrapping around her as Dr. Shall speaks.

"She's made really good progress, Ink. I'm happy to cut her sessions down, and I'm always on the phone if she needs me or with my old man just up the road from yours." I grin at her words. Tracker, one of the brothers, is her old man and a damn good brother. "There's just one assignment she requires doing first, though."

I furrow my brows as the bitch receptionist returns with an appointment, frowning, but I ignore her, pulling my girl back a little bit and raising a brow.

She clears her throat. "I need to read momma's letter."

I freeze, fuck.

I slowly close my eyes and nod before leaning forward, placing my forehead against hers before rasping, "I'll be with you every step of the way." I kiss her forehead and say, "I love you."

She smiles at me and says, "I love you too."

I grin before placing a kiss on her nose, making her giggle. Fuck, I need to make her do that more often.

After thanking Dr. Shall, I guide my girl out of the building, leaving a sulking receptionist behind, but soon wish we could go back in fucking side when Phoebe and some preppy-looking douche walk our way. Phoebe grins seductively, noticing me, and I shake my head. I still haven't managed to fire her yet, not with everything happening with my girl, but Seth, our other receptionist, has said he'll take over her hours when we do boot her out. He and his girl are planning on buying a place.

They both stop in front of us, and I instantly tense up, noticing the douche canoe staring at my girl.

I raise a brow when he speaks to her as if he owns her.

"Sophie, where have you been this past month exactly?"

I go to punch the fucker, but Soph grips the back of my cut. "Grieving my momma, Josh, why?"

Phoebe snorts, "I heard you went insane." My anger intensifies, and I growl, which soon turns into a chuckle at Sophie's next words: "And I heard you contracted gonorrhea from someone a town over." She looks towards the preppy idiot and says, "You tested yourself yet, Josh?"

I snort while he pales, dropping his arm from Phoebe as she gasps in shock while my girl shrugs.

"Yeah, word travels fast around here, doesn't it?" she tilts her head. "Have you experienced the yellow discharge yet? My friend says it's disgusting."

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