Page 36 of Ink

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I just shrug and give her a small smile.

She did wonders with my makeup this morning. My eyes are dusted with light and dark blue, while my lashes are darker with the mascara, making my green eyes pop. When I woke last night, I was in a hospital bed with Leah and Gunner standing over me in panic. The doctor, Meghan, said I had a panic attack during my sobs, and I was discharged a few hours later after some observations. I made Gunner promise me he wouldn't tell Ink, and he agreed reluctantly. He didn't have a choice when I told him and Leah what he had said, the text he took out of context, and what Hawk had said to me, all while Phoebe grinned, enjoying my torment. Gunner was angry but agreed to keep quiet, while Leah promised not to tell my mother. She doesn't need any more stress right now. She's falling apart bit by bit, day by day, and I'm worried I'm not enough to make her want to keep living without my father.

I'm worried I'm going to lose her too.

Leah smiles before squeezing my shoulders and bringing me back out of my head. "OK, you are all done. Now go get into your dress."

I thank her before heading towards the bathroom.

My dark red strapless dress is hanging up. It dips a little in the middle and is floor-length. It's absolutely beautiful.

Sighing, I quickly change into it before getting my red high heels on.

Looking in the mirror, I smile at the vision of me. I do look good; it's just a shame my eyes are so fricking sad right now. I give myself a few minutes to breathe before I leave the bathroom, meeting Leah, who is in a mid-length baby blue dress with square straps. She smiles at me before linking her arm through mine before we head to my dad's Mustang that Momma said we could use for today. It'll only be a small ceremony at HudsonLake. Of course, Josh will be there, but if he knows what's good for him, he'll stay clear.

Just as we come to a stop at a traffic light outside of Sweet Treats, I notice Ink, and my heart jumps in my throat until some woman whose clothes are more for a street corner and looks like a remake of Barbie with her bright blonde hair wraps her arms around his neck, and I gasp, gaining Leah's attention when the woman's lips meet his.

I swallow hard as I look forward.

Leah grabs my hand, squeezing it tight; anger pours off her, but I try to shake it off. I can fall apart later because, right now, I need to attend one of my best friends' weddings. The light turns green, and I roar off, heading to the lake, trying my hardest to ignore that he's moved on this quickly.

We get there within record time, and I grin at seeing Todd looking nervous, making me shake my head at him. I climb out of my car as he rushes towards me. "Oh, thank heavens, you're here."

I chuckle and hug him tightly before Leah kisses his cheek and heads to her seat next to Momma, who arrived with Todd earlier.

"Breathe, Toddy," I rasp.

He nods before leaning back to look at me, and he grins. "Darling, you look amazing."

I grin and say, "Right back atcha."

He's in an actual tux, all black, and looks handsome. He grins wider before looping my arm through his before he whispers, "Fucking Josh brought Phoebe; where's Ink?"

I wince before swallowing hard when I realize I forgot to tell him he wouldn't be in attendance. Great, just what I need—Ink not here and seeing two people I really don't want to see right now. With the way Phoebe was grinning yesterday, she probably knew it was Todd who messaged me, which means she was loving the drama knowing it was out of context, especially if she knew she was coming to his fricking wedding.

I shake my head. I should really thank her because it just brought out all the hidden truths in Ink's personality, even if I do feel like my heart is being shredded. He slowly made me fall for him with the little touches, the smoldering eyes, and the nice words, making me feel like I was all he saw, like I was his world.

I'm an idiot; that's what I am for believing him.

I give Todd a head shake with a fake grin, not willing to ruin his wedding day with my drama as I mumble out 'club business,' making him nod.

I stand next to him at the alter, which contrasts with an arch full of flowers next to the lake, ignoring Phoebe's smirk and Josh's wondering eyes while Leah and Momma glare at them, making both me and Todd snort before the music begins, and I'm 'coming home, Skylar Grey' plays, making me smile wide while Todd grins wide at me before we both look back at Alex, who's walking towards his future with his mamma. His short brown hair was recently shaved, and his brown eyes were sparkling.

He's wearing a white suit, making my smile turn into a grin.

When he gets to Todd, he leans forward to wipe away one of his tears, and I have to look down to control my own tears that are starting to form, feeling so blessed to be a part of this special moment of theirs.

The minister steps forward and grins before clearing his throat. "We're gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two people as we witness them coming together as one."

I see Alex's eyes start to mist, and that does it. I sniffle, wiping the tear that falls as the ceremony gets started. In contrast, my heart is torn between happiness for my friend and loneliness for what I've lost in what I thought was the start of forever.

As soon as the minister pronounces them as man and man and they kiss - me, Momma and Leah cheer the loudest while Phoebe glares at me but again I ignore her like I have throughout the ceremony. Between her and Josh, I feel like my skin is burning off.

Todd and Alex pull apart to grin at us while I wipe my cheeks before they walk hand in hand down the aisle together. I walk behind them before Momma comes next to me, linking my arm with hers, and I grin at her. We head to the marque together, celebrating the married couple for the rest of the evening, forgetting my troubles for the night and ensuring I stay away from Josh.

Chapter 14

Ink – One Month Later

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