Page 35 of Ink

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Are you fucking kidding me?

I guess I should have fucking seen it coming; she did cheat on him with me!

I grip her phone before throwing it against the shop wall, causing her to jump back in shock while Phoebe grins with glee, but I don't read into it, my anger taking hold. Sophie looks at her phone lying in pieces, then back at me with shock, and in my haze, I can't stop the words that leave my mouth, even if I want to.

I can't stop the biggest fucking mistake that I'm about to make.

"So, you're fucking me and your ex-boyfriend like the whore we all know you are? Do I need to go get tested now?"

Chapter 13


"So, you're fucking me and your ex-boyfriend like the whore we all know you are? Do I need to go get tested now?"

I look at the man I've fallen deeply in love with, who's become my person, with shock until his words register, and I feel the air leave my lungs. Phoebe's grinning like mad, but I ignore her, not taking my eyes from the man who clearly still sees me as a whore, even though I've only ever slept with one person before he came into my life.

I understand he thought I was with Todd, but every time I try to bring him up, he shoots me down, even to this day. Here he is, accusing me of something I haven't even done. I would bet you my degree and vet license that he saw a message from Todd, who is most likely excited about marrying the man of his dreams tomorrow, which I intended to invite Jackson to without telling him where we were going. I wanted him to see my 'ex' marry his man so he could finally put his jealousy to bed. He's clearly taken whatever text he read behind my back, invading my privacy out of context, and instead of confronting me, he's straight up accused me of cheating on him when I've given no reason for him to believe so.

I've put him first; I've ensured he knows he's all I see; I've given him my fucking heart, but he clearly never gave me his.

My eyes start to tear up, but I don't let them fall as I make eye contact with his cold, hard ones when Hawk rushes in and says, "What the fuck is going on?"

Jackson, no, no, Ink, points at me, "This bitch who I gave my fucking heart to is fucking her ex-boyfriend behind my back."

Hawk's eyes widen, and I expect a man who has known me for a year to come to my defense, but he doesn't. Nope, instead, his eyes turn cold, and he crosses his arms over his chest before he growls.

"Whore's aren't welcome here."

Phoebe's grin gets wider as I look at her, and I raise a brow. "And yet you've employed one, and you fuck several at your clubhouse daily."

Phoebe gasps while both men growl at my dig at their employees, but I ignore them and go to my phone, picking it up to see the screen cracked and Todd's message popping up, and I smile seeing it.

Todd – I can't wait for tomorrow, Soph. I'm literally shaking with excitement. I love you so much and can't thank you enough for everything. You're my angel.

God, I feel so happy for him to finally get his happily ever after, even if I don't get mine.

I notice the message from my Momma, but I ignore it for now before I look back to Ink, and yes, that's what I'll be calling him from now on. My Jackson's good and buried. This man, who stole my heart, stares at me with disgust, and I just shake my head and say, "Be expecting a bill for this 'Ink.'"

He flinches a little, but I don't give a crap; instead, I turn and go to walk out when his angry, cold voice enters the quiet of the room. "If you hadn't guessed, we're fucking over; whores belong in a whorehouse, not my fucking bed."

I can feel my heart break bit by bit, but I swallow down the emotions that want to pour out of me, and without looking back, I reply to his comment before walking out of his shop and out of his life.

"We were over before we even started because you never trusted me, even though you're the one who pursued me. From now on, tell your club brothers to see Sarah for your animals."

I keep it together the whole way home until I enter my apartment and see Leah. She smiles at me while furrowing her brows. "I thought you and Ink had a date?"

I just shake my head as my tears start to fall, my façade crumbling around me, making her eyes widen before she rushes to me, trying to catch me as I fall to the floor with her arms wrapped around me.

Sobs wrack my body, and I can't breathe.

He broke me.

I vaguely hear Leah's angry voice in the background before it turns panicky and she starts shouting. My body shakes violently with my sobs as my heart shatters in my chest before I pass out from the lack of oxygen.

"I won't be in tonight, Gunner. Well, why don't you go ask your fucking brother why? Shit Soph? GUNNER!"

The next day, I'm in my room getting ready for Todd's wedding. Leah is standing behind me, putting my hair in some fancy twist with a few pieces falling down the sides of my face. She smiles at me and says, "How are you doing, sweetheart?"

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