Page 27 of Dagger

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I nod as compassion fills my eyes. "His loss, Precious."

She grins at me and says, "What about you? Any siblings, well, I mean blood siblings?"

I chuckle, "The brother who spoke to you with Axel at the hospital, you know, the day you gave him an update on Annalise, full of tattoos. He's my blood brother and goes by Ink."

She nods. "I did think he looked a lot like you, to be honest. You both have many of the same facial features and eyes and have a distinct gray. He kind of scared me at first."

I laugh. "He has that effect on people, but he's actually a teddy bear."

Well, when you don't piss him off anyway, but I'll leave that bit out.

She grins. "Are you older or younger than him?"

"Older, but by only a year, we have different moms; mine passed during childbirth."

Her eyes grow soft. "I'm sorry, Travis."

I just shrug and grin at her. "I love that about you—how much compassion you show for people."

She chuckles, "Yeah, but it's also my downside; I have a habit of getting close with my patients. I build a bond with them, so I take it hard when they don't make it. My friend Meghan is a resident doctor, and she tried to warn me about it, but I didn't listen. I've only been out of school for a year, so I'm learning my way."

I smile at her before leaning forward and moving some of her hair out of her eyes. "You have a big heart, baby."

She smiles at me before looking down shyly.

Fuck this girl; her every move consumes me.

She clears her throat. "Okay, so what do you do for the club? Have you always wanted to be a part of it?"

I smile at her question, "You're not allowed to be pissed, but I manage the strip club, Untamed Girls with Axel, and yes, I've slept with some of them, but I won't be anymore now that I have you in my life." I give her a pointed look, and she bites her bottom lip to stop the laughter that wants to come out. "And no, I never wanted to become a brother. I never got along with my father growing up, and I never liked Leslie, my stepmother; the feeling was definitely mutual, and, Ink well, I grew up resenting him, so I had a plan. I left when I hit legal age, joined the Navy Seals, and went into active duty for 8 years. I only came back five years ago because Axel asked me to."

Her eyes go soft before she leans forward and rubs her finger along my brows. It's only then that I realize I'm frowning. My expression goes softer, and I give her a small smile before grabbing her hand and kissing her palm. It's weird and so fucking right. I never let anyone touch me, not since Leslie allowed her 'friends' to molest me. Hugging Axel at the hospital was fucking difficult, yetthis woman, having her touch doesn't burn and doesn't make me feel dirty; it feels right. So fucking right.

She's mine; I'll make sure she knows it too.

We spent the rest of the date laughing and talking while eating the food Annalise made, who I fucking owe a lot for this. A few hours later, she's leaning against my chest in between my legs, head against my chest, as we look out towards the lake. It's getting colder; it's 11 p.m., and I know I need to take her home, but I just don't fucking want to. I sigh before placing my head in the crook of her neck, breathing in her strawberry scent. Tonight has been fucking perfect; we click. It's like she was made just for me, and I her. I hope she won't be disgusted when she learns about my past.

"I guess I should take you home." I rasp against her neck, holding her tighter, and she giggles, "You're going to have to let me get up, Travis." I grin against her neck before gently kissing her there. I help her up, and she goes to clean everything up, but I just shake my head, pulling her towards my bike. "Don't worry, Precious; I have prospects coming to clear it all up."

She looks at me with furrowed brows. "Prospects?"

I grin as I help her on my bike and place my helmet on her head. I need to get her one of her own; mine is too big for her. "Men who want to become brothers. They have to show their worth for about a year before being voted in; all brothers go through it except for me because I was away."

She nods. "So, like a bitch boy?"

I laugh. "Yeah, baby, like a bitch boy."

She nods again, her eyes sparkling, and I climb on in front of her before she wraps her arms around me tight, and I sigh. Fuck, she feels good wrapped around me, her whole-body lighting mine up.

Getting her back to her apartment doesn't take long, and I sigh while I pull up near the building's front door. I help her off and take the helmet off before strapping it back to my bike, and I take her in my arms. Her arms go around my waist under my cut but on top of my t-shirt, and I expect to be tense as her hands splay over the scars, but I don't; her touch feels warm and, oh, so right. I smile at her before leaning forward. I kiss her gently on the lips, one, two, three times before placing my forehead against hers. "This thing, it's happening. So get ready, Precious."

She grins at me before going to her tiptoes, kissing my lips again while her hands fist the back of my t-shirt. I deepen the kiss, bringing her tightly to me, making her arms go up around my neck as I lift her, and making her legs wrap around my waist before I smile into the kiss, making her grin back.

"Head on, in Precious; I'm being a gentleman today."

I rasp against her lips, causing her to giggle. She kisses me again before dropping her legs, and I reluctantly let her go. I bend down and quickly give her one more kiss before she turns and heads inside, the need for my lips to always be infused with hers pulling me deeper. I stand there for five minutes before I climb on my bike with my cock hard as steel and head home with my girl on my mind, hoping I don't fuck it up because I've got a feeling that a life without her in it would be damning.

The next evening, I'm sitting in my office at the club, tapping my fingers against my desk, feeling agitated. I haven't heard back from Melanie all day. I've texted several times with no reply, and not even Fisher, one of my men from my squadron, could cheer me up, and he's our joker; instead, he told me to stop being a pussy and just call her.

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