Page 26 of Dagger

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It's beautiful.

I quickly climb off and take the helmet off while I look at the beautiful view in front of me. Just past our picnic is the lake, which has floating candles on it with the moon shining brightly over it, and my heart flutters. I turn to lookat this man, who is so different from what I thought. He's leaning against his bike with his arms crossed over his chest, and he's looking at me with such intensity that I feel like he's looking into my soul. I want to break away, but I just can't; it's like I'm locked in, and at this moment, I know he would turn into my everything, which is the most terrifying thought, especially with someone who has abandonment issues and more baggage than this man deserves to deal with.

Chapter 9


I lean against my bike and watch her as she takes in everything I've done for the date. I knew I couldn't just take her to a movie and dinner; I knew I had to woo her, so, after talking to Doc and finding out she's a romantic at heart, and with the help of Annalise, the Pres's old lady, and Leah, the woman who basically runs our bar and who Gunner is head over heels for but refuses to admit it because Razor, a patched brother, made him believe he loved her. She cheated, which I think is absolute bull; we came up with this idea, and it fucking worked.

She turns around and looks at me with awe, and I can't help the smile that comes across my face. I push off my bike and walk towards her, where she's frozen on the spot, staring at me with the best look I've seen on her so far.

When I get to her, I gently take her hand before kissing her palm, making a small smile appear on her beautiful face, and I pull her towards the blanket before helping her sit down. I sit opposite her when she finally speaks, her voice full of awe, "This is amazing."

I smile wide. "You can thank Leah, one of our staff members, and Annalise for that."

She looks at me wide-eyed and says, "Annie's finally talking."

I grin and nod. "Yeah, she had her fall; it was bad, but Axel helped her. They married a few days ago, and I was their witness, much to Flames' dismay."

Her beautiful eyes light up as she places her hand on her stomach. Relief floods her as her whole body relaxes. "Gosh, I'm so happy for them."

I smile again before handing her a chicken wrap from Sweet Treats, and she smiles at me, thanking me before taking a bite. Her eyes widen, and she groans, which goes straight to my cock. Shit. I do not need a fucking hard-on right now.

Think of bikes.

Think of the brothers.

Fuck, think of Cammy and Leslie.

Yep, that did it.

"These are amazing."

I clear my throat and nod, "Annalise again. She owns sweet treats."

Her eyes brighten. "I love that bakery."

I chuckle before taking a bite out of my wrap, wiping my hands, and clearing my throat. "Okay, so how we met, well, it sucked, I know, and I want a do-over." She raises a brow at me; amusement shines through her eyes, and I smirk at her. "Twenty questions."

She giggles and nods her head. "Okay, you go first."

She takes another bite of her food, and I hum,


She quirks a brow. "23."

I nod, "30."

She grins at me and says, "Your old Travis."

I grin and lean forward, tickling her under her arms, and she giggles, "Old, huh?"

She shakes her head, laughing, "n-no, sorry-sorry."

I chuckle and sit back down again. "Alright, any siblings?"

She chuckles before shaking her head. "No, well, not that I'm aware of anyway." I quirk my brow at her, wanting more, and she smiles at me. Fuck, I love that smile. "My dad left when I was four, and I haven't seen him since. I know where he lives, but I never saw him."

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