Page 24 of Dagger

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I bite my bottom lip at his nickname for me just as Cassidy comes around the corner.

Crap, so much for her break.

She comes to a halt, looking between us, before narrowing her eyes at me and then sauntering over to the man. She drags her nails down his arm, and he shivers, removing her touch instantly. My eyebrows hit my hairline in shock before I tilted my head. That wasn't a shiver of delight; it was one of disgust. He steps away from her and looks at her with a furrowed brow.

"Can I help you?"

My brows shoot high into my hairline again, hearing the coldness in his voice, and she steps back a bit before she crosses her arms over her chest and juts her hip out. "You owe me an orgasm and a date."

He just snorted while I bit my lip to stop my laughter. "No, I really don't. You were never going to get one to begin with. You took over another nurse's job just because you wanted to fuck me. You didn't even update my Pres, my best friend, on the condition of his woman, who had just lost their baby after being attacked. Now we don't hit women, but I know a whore when I see one, and I knew one way to fucking punish you. And a date; keep fucking wishing; now do me a favor and piss off."

My mouth drops open while Cassidy gets redder in the face. Just as she's about to scream, Dr. Thomas comes into view, bringing me out of my shocked state. "Problem?" He's looking at Cassidy, and I clear my throat, trying my hardest not to laugh. She just growls and walks off, shooting daggers at the man, thankfully not looking my way. "Huh, obviously not. Brother, Melanie." He says this as he looks at us both, and then he turns, walking away while whistling. I blink a couple of times before I look toward the man. He's staring at his arm again where Cassidy touched him, and I furrow my brows. I move a bit closer to him and touch where she did, making him look at me and his brows furrow. I use my other hand to trace over his eyebrows. Why? I don't know; it literally just feels natural. His brows relax, and a smile shines when I ask,

"So, you were talking about a date that you so badly want?"

He chuckles. "Are you finally ready to give in?"

I shake my head and step back a bit, removing my hand from his arm and making him look at it again in confusion.


This man is a mystery.

I sigh. "I don't even know your name."

His head shoots up to look at me in surprise before he lets out a laugh when he realizes he never actually gave it to me: "My road name is Dagger, but you can call me Travis." He holds his hand out for me to shake, and I chuckle, placing mine in his, feeling tingles going through my hand.

He pulls me towards him so we're almost touching, "One date, Melanie, just one; what can you lose? You hate it, then we remain friends."

I look deep into those troubled eyes, which hold so much hope, and I sigh, "Christ, Cassidy is going to make my life hell for this. One date." He grins wide. "But you even look at another woman, and it's bye-bye. Got it."

I say it sternly: He needs to know other women won't work with me.

He nods before he leans forward and kisses my forehead, staying a little longer than necessary, making my heart flutter before he pulls away. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8."

Then he kisses my forehead one more time before turning and walking away while I stand here stumped. "That's a bit quick, don't cha think?" I say, dumbfounded, and he just chuckles, saying over his shoulder as he walks around the corner,

"less chance of you pulling out last minute,"

I start to giggle, shaking my head.

I have to give it to him; the man's not dumb.

I hope I haven't made a mistake.

I look at the chart in my hand and take a deep breath before knocking on my next patient's door.

"Mrs. Colne, hi."

She smiles at me, her brown eyes shimmering with amusement. "Honey, who was that gorgeous specimen of a man? And is he single?"

I can't help it. I burst out in laughter while her husband shook his head with a smirk on his face.

Did I mention how much I love my job?

The next night, I'm sweating bullets. Geez, I'm nervous.

I barely slept last night, and after Mrs. Colne decided to talk nonstop Travis yesterday, much to her husband's amusement, my nerves just built up. Why does he want me? Seriously, why me? I'm plain and boring, and let's not forget that I'm full of baggage with Daddy issues. I mean, he could just have Cassidy; she said it enough after he left yesterday, not realizing he asked me on a date.

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