Page 25 of Dagger

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I shake my hands out.

I can't do this; why did I say yes?


"Fuck it," I mumble to myself, and I grab my phone, ready to call Travis, who, I don't know how managed to get my number yesterday. He said I had to wear something warm. This whole date thing has heartbreak written all over it, and I've had enough of that growing up.

My phone rings, and I jump out of my skin, nearly dropping it. "Shit," I mumble before I answer without looking at the number.


"Get your jacket and keys and head to your parking lot."

I frown and look at the caller ID: "Dr. Thomas?"

He lets out a chuckle, and I hear a female giggle in the background. "I think we're at the stage where you can call me Doc, don't you think, Mel?" I snort, "Now, if I know you, which I do, you're about to call Dagger and cancel." Shit, "Now don't. Get your jacket, get your keys, and head to your parking lot. Trust me, Mel, you'll have a good time, and he'll treat you right."

I sigh and thread my fingers through my hair, shoving my bangs out of the way,

"Doc, it's just, I…urgh."

He chuckles again. "I get it. How you met wasn't under the best circumstances, but I'm telling you, Mel, never, and I mean never, has Dagger wanted to take a woman out. Just give him a chance. Walk out the door, sweetheart."

I sigh before looking in my mirror. My hair is loose, I have minimal makeup on, a plain white v-neck t-shirt with my black jacket on, and my skinny jeans and high-knee boots.

I'd admit, I look good.

I nod. "OK, I'll go."

"Good girl. I'll see you tomorrow night at work."

I groan, realizing we're on nights for the week commencing tomorrow in the ER, while he hangs up laughing.

Damn, I hate nights.

Shaking my head, I leave my apartment and start walking down the stairs, shaking. I mean, this is my first fricking date, and with a guy I walked in on with another woman in a storage cupboard, for Christ's sake.

Maybe Harris hit my head harder than I thought.

When I get to the door, I hear the loud rumble of an engine, and my eyes widen.

We're going on his bike? His frigging bike?


Shaking my head and taking a deep breath, I open the door and come to a halt when I see him sitting astride his Harley. I swallow hard, tight black t-shirt with his vest thing on and tight jeans, finishing the look off with his biker boots. Double shit. I look up and see he's smirking at me, his gray eyes sparkling with amusement, and I blush hard and walk over to him while he gets off his bike.

When I'm near, he wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my forehead before rasping, "You look beautiful, Precious."

My cheeks heat up some more, and I clear my throat before looking up at him and saying, "I, uh, I've never been on a bike before."

He grins wide. "Good, I'm glad I'm your first; come on, I'll help you on." My face heats even more, if that's even possible. Shit. I need to calm down. I wipe my hands down my jeans before I put one in his hand as he helps me on his bike. "Alright, Precious, I want you to keep your feet on the pegs; don't put your legs on the pipes because they'll be hot; and when I'm on, wrap your arms tightly around me, alright?"

I swallow hard again as he puts a helmet on me and nods before he gets on. I do as he says, keeping my feet on the pegs, and as soon as he's seated, I wrap my arms tightly around him, squeezing him tightly, causing him to chuckle before he revs his bike, and it rumbles underneath me. My stomach sinks as fear takes place. I can feel my hands start to shake, and I squeeze him even more tightly before laying my head on his back. He tenses for a moment before relaxing, making me furrow my brows. Still, I don't get to question him because he pulls out of the parking lot, and I squeal in shock, causing him to laugh. Geez, this man has a great laugh.

We're on the road for about twenty minutes before we arrive. I look around with my arms still, squeezing him tightly as his hand rubs along my arm to help calm my shakes, and I gasp. We're at Hudson Lake, where there's a blanket with picnic food laid out and candles going around it.

He definitely did the saying, 'Go big or go home.'

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