Page 99 of Discovering Lily

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“I'll take her, just give me the location of where I'm dropping her off at, we still need to discuss a few things.”

“Those are not my instructions, sir. Mrs. Marchetti has specifically asked that I bring her.”

“Why you?” Vitale interrogated him with an edge to his voice.

“I have my orders. Miss Marchetti please go change so we can leave.” The guy flatly stated, turning to walk away, effectively ending anymore argument from Vitale.

Trying to wrench my arm away from Vitale, he finally let me go. “What's really going on, Lillian? Where is your mother at?”

“I have no idea what this is about. Please excuse me, I don't want to keep Momma waiting,” I said, walking back into the house.

After I'd changed and grabbed my purse and the phone that Vance gave me, I headed down to meet useless guard number one at the bottom of the stairs, who looked like he was still being interrogated by Vitale right now.

Maybe this has something to do with Vance and Brice.

“I'm her fiancé for God sakes! I have a right to know where you are taking her!”

“She is still officially a Marchetti, Mr. Gatti, and anything her parents order overrules your authority in the matter.” The bodyguard looked over at me. “Are you ready to go, Miss?”

I gave Vitale a smug look, thrilled that it was killing him not to get his way in the matter this time. “I am, let's go.”

As I walked out the door, I turned to look back at Vitale, noticing the first thing he did was get on his phone to no doubt call my father to try and intervene somehow. It was just too bad for him that he didn't know the woman he was messing with. What Momma wanted; Momma got. I giggled to myself as we walked out the door and headed to the car. Once through the gates, we drove for a few miles before the bodyguard pulled the car over to the side of the road and got out in a deserted looking stretch of the highway. “W-what's going on? Why have we stopped?”

Not answering me, he lifted the hood of the car, causing me think maybe there had been something wrong with the car. That was until he ripped something out of it and tossed it into the field next to us before slamming the hood down and coming to the back-passenger door and opening it with a gun in his hands now pointed at me. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting that big payday I've been promised. Now give me your purse and phone.”

“Who are you working for, Gustavo, or my sister? And where's my mother, who has her? Or is she even where we are going?”

He backhands me across the face so hard it sends my head slamming against the headrest behind me. “Enough of your bullshit questions! Just give me the fucking purse and phone, now!” Giving him my purse and personal phone, I tried to keep the disposable one hidden from him. It worked until he leaned over after noticing my slight hand movement. “What the fuck is this, where did you get this and from who?” he grabbed it out of my hand.

Glaring at him, I repeated his words back to him. “Enough with your bullshit questions and let's get on with this! We wouldn't want you missing out on your big payday, you fucking asshole!” To which earned me another backhand across the face.

“Bitch! I’m going to enjoy watching what happens to you.” Slamming the backdoor, he got back into the drivers seat and flipped the locks before I had a chance to unbuckle my seatbelt and make a run for it. As we drove along, I twisted the silver ring around my finger, hoping and praying that Vance and Brice would find me and put an end to this whole nightmare I'd been forced to live in every scenario possible.

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