Page 100 of Discovering Lily

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As Anthony, Constanzo’sbodyguard, and Lillian walked towards the door, I ripped my phone out of my pocket and called him to see what was really going on. I needed to make sure those two hillbilly assholes were really gone, and this wasn't some trick they were pulling to get Lillian out from under our noses and into their bed.


“Constanzo it's me.”

“Yes Vitale, what can I do for you?”

“Where's your wife Donatella at right now?”

“What do you mean where is my wife? Who the hell do you think you are calling me and asking such things of me? She...”

“I only ask because she just summoned Lillian. I wanted to make sure those two assholes were really gone and not pulling some stunt to get her away from here by using your wife's name saying that she's requested her.”

“My wife is at home.”

“No she isn't, because I am here right now and Anthony just left with Lillian, saying your wife requested that she join her where ever it is she's at.”

“Impossible, Donna always tells me when she leaves.”

“I'm telling you that for whatever reason this time she hasn't.”

“Let me call her and I'll call you right back. I'm sure this is nothing, give me a moment.”

Disconnecting the call, I paced back and forth, knowing something about this whole thing was off.

What if it's Camilla or Gustavo behind this whole scam?

My phone ringing brought me back. “Yes?”

“She's not answering and that does worry me, I'm headed to where the GPS signal is coming from on her town car at a hotel downtown. I'll let you know what I find out when I see her.”

Before he disconnected the call, I asked. “Can you send me the signal on Lillian’s car just so I can make sure that she's safe and this isn't Gustavo’s or Ca...?” I stop short of accusing Camilla, knowing how he would react.

“Camilla. You were going to say her name, yes?”

“Look I know you need proof of what she's done before you will believe it, but I'm telling you there's something wrong with this whole situation. Too much shit has happened where Lillian’s concerned not to be on edge about this whole cloak and dagger routine of your wife summoning her somewhere you and I aren't told about. I'm telling you something is wrong.”

“Fine I will send them to you, go check on her. If everything turns out to be okay then I'll see you at the same spot in about twenty minutes. I would like to speak with you once we find that they are both in fact okay.”

“All right.” I hung up and waited for the GPS signal to come through. Looking at it, I could see that it was only about two miles away from the estate and it wasn't moving. “That can't be right unless the car broke down. “Arnoldo! Let's go, quickly, get the car!”

In the car, we headed down the road until the signal showed that we’re right on top of it, but no car was in sight. “Fuck! I knew something wasn't right, pull over.”

Getting out of the car, we started the search, “found it! Her purse and phone, too!” Arnoldo called out, holding them in the air.

“Come on, let's go!” I shouted, running back towards the SUV. Heading down the road, I pulled my phone out.


“Lillian's gone!”

“What do you mean she's gone?”

“I mean I found the GPS tracker from the car, her purse, and phone in the grass about two miles from the estate, Constanzo.”

“Oh Dio.”

“Yes, oh God, where are you?”

“I'm pulling into the garage under the hotel now where the signal is coming from. Hold on I see Donna’s car. Lorenzo, go check it out, but be careful.” I heard him instruct his bodyguard. A few moments later I heard a heavy sigh and then the panic in his voice. “Dante is in the car with a gunshot to the heart along with Donna’s purse and phone. I want every man we both have to search this state and I want them on it now! I-if anything has happened to my love or my daughter I will never forgive myself for not protecting them.”

Hearing the desperation in his voice reminded me of the same desperation in Lillian’s earlier when she spoke about her love for Vance and Brice. “We will find them; don't worry I know just who to call.” I assured him before hanging up, making a call I never would have guessed I would be making again.

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