Page 9 of Discovering Lily

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“Just what the helldid I walk in on up there?” Brice practically growled at me after dinner was over and the woman had gone up to her room.

“It was nothing. She was just upset by the fact that we didn't find out more information on her background check.” I answered him in the same tone, not liking what he's insinuating of what he thought I was trying to do behind his back.

“And that requires you to cradle her face so close to yours that you could have kissed her?” He snaps.

Having had enough of his accusations, I threw the towel, I was holding, into the sink and turned to face him. “I wasn't trying to do shit behind your back, and I would think that you would know better than to think I ever would by now man. I would never try to do anything with her without your knowledge.”

Running his hands over his face and through his hair in frustration, he let out a heavy breath. “You're right, I do know you would never do that and I'm sorry. But fuck if this whole situation isn't driving me crazy.”

“I know. Which is why I've been thinking.”

“About?" He asked curiously with hope rising in his voice.

“About that damn rule we made and wanting to break it for nothing more than my own selfish reasons.”

“I'm with you on that. Is it really selfish of us if she wants us just as much as we want her, though?”

“But what if she only wants us because we are the only ones she knows, or has that what's it called?” I asked, snapping my fingers to try and remember the name of it. “Stockholm syndrome.”

Laughing at me he said, “Stockholm syndrome? She's not a prisoner here.”

“Isn't she though? We haven't let her go anywhere with us, just kept her here.”

“That's only because her life was just turned upside down and she needed time to get over all the trauma she suffered.” He stayed silent in thought for a moment. “Let's fix this right here, right now. Next week we take her to the office with us, give her some easy jobs helping and expose her to all the other guys that work for us, and if her feelings are real, she won't stray. But if they're not then we'll at least know for sure.”

“And of course beat the shit out of and fire the guy she does fall for.” I added with all seriousness intended. There's no fucking way I would ever be able to watch another man besides Brice touch her.

“Absolutely. After we have his dick chopped off and render him useless as a man that is.” He added, causing us both to break out in laughter.

“And what about this?” I blurted out, getting an idea. “That meeting we have in New York Monday the following week; we take her with us and leave on Friday night after work. Make a weekend of it. See how things go between us. I bet we can get Agent Walker to give her a temporary ID of some sort, so she'll be allowed to get on the plane.”

“I like the way you think, brother. It's a plan,” Brice slapped my shoulder. “Well I'm off to bed. I'll see you in the AM.”

“I'm right behind you, goodnight.” I called out, checking the doors, and turning off the lights.

Waking up early Saturday morning, we decided to let the woman sleep in while Brice and I started our weekend chores. We always gave Mack those two days off every week to sleep in or do whatever he wanted to, even though, ninety nine percent of the time he ended up helping us out anyhow. Just like he was doing this morning.

“Not sleeping in on your day off, Mack?” I asked him as he approached the barn.

“Nah, you know me I can't sleep past sunrise.”

“Well since you’re here, do you mind feeding the animals while Vance and I get started on tearing this section of the barn apart that needs to be fixed?” Brice asked him.

“I'm on it. Then I'll help you two with that when I'm done.” He called back, walking away to get the alfalfa as Brice and I began to tear into the wall.

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