Page 10 of Discovering Lily

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The Woman

When I woke up thismorning, I could hear what sounded like someone banging on the walls, but I quickly saw out the window that Brice and Vance were doing some work on the barn. After I'd showered and dressed, I headed downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee. As my coffee brewed, I watched out the back window as all three of the men's heads bounced around by the barn. I knew that third head belonged to Mack, he had given up his day off again. Pouring myself a cup, I put cream and sugar in it and headed on out to see what everyone was up to. As I got closer, I began to have one of those moments, you know the one where you're seeing something so unbelievable you can't really believe it with your own two eyes? The kind that you could usually just blink, and it's gone? Well I was having one of those moments right now and no matter how many times I blinked I still saw the two extremely hot, very shirtless and God like bodies that glistened in the sunlight in front of me. At the sight of them my brain that was supposed to tell my hand to hold on to the damn hot cup of coffee in it shut down, causing me to spill it all down the front of my leg and scream out from the burning pain.

“Ow!” I yelled out, bending over to try and brush the hot coffee off my leg as quickly as I could before it burnt me anymore than it already had. Hearing footsteps quickly approaching, I looked up to find Vance and Brice closing in fast.

Oh how I should have just stayed inside.

“Are you all right?” Brice asked, touching my arm.

Brushing myself off, and standing up, I told him. “I'm... ah... just fine. I accidentally spilt coffee down the front of my leg.” I said, trying to make sure that what I was saying actually made sense as I stared up at the two of them.

Apparently, I zoned out, gawking at them, because next thing I knew Vance was snapping his fingers in front of my face with a knowing smirk. How humiliating. “You sure you're okay?”

“Ah... yeah, yeah, I'm ah, I'm good.” Clearing my throat, I tried to regain some of my dignity and asked. “What ah, what are you guys doing out here?”

“Just replacing a side of the barn that’s rotted out,” Brice said, smiling down at me.

These two were just so frustrating! And they were driving me and my hormones absolutely crazy! I was literally seconds away from just jumping one of them when Vance spoke up. “Glad you came out, we wanted to talk to you about something anyhow, but let's go back over to the barn so we can work while we talk.”

Yes, yes let's do that because I'm not dying inside enough right now at the sight of you two shirtless, let's add a hammer, some nails, and flexing muscles and really see how sexually frustrated you two can make me!

Was what was on the tip of my tongue to say, but instead I held it in. “Sure, okay. I wanted to say good morning to Mack anyway.”

As we got to the barn, Mack popped his head out. “Well good morning there, little lady. You out here to rough it with us guys today?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Good morning. And sure, how can I help?”

“Well I know a certain mare who would love to get some exercise if you’re okay with going alone while we fix this here barn.”

Bouncing up and down with excitement, spilling my coffee yet again, I answered. “Yes, I would love to!”

“First we want to discuss something with you.” Brice said. “Can you get Duchess saddled up and ready for her while we talk to her, Mack?”

Grinning like a chestier cat, Mack's eyes swung between all three of us. “I'd be happy to.”

After he was gone Vance and Brice stood entirely too close to me while they talked. I was beginning to think they knew just how it affected me and were doing it on purpose. But why? They'd made it noticeably clear that they wanted to steer clear of me, even if they didn't know that I knew what they said in the kitchen last night. “How would you like to go into the office with us next week, get out of the house and do something different for a change?” Brice asked.

Confused as to why if they wanted to be away from me, they were asking me to spend more time with them, I had to ask. “What would I do there all day?”

“You can help me, Vance, and the others out with little odd jobs here and there, nothing too difficult. But I do want to make you aware that there are a lot of men who work for us and we don't want you to feel uncomfortable with them around, so if it's too much for you we would totally understand.” Vance added.

Knowing how I have had a hard time trusting men after what I went through, I thought about it for a moment. I knew that with Vance and Brice there they wouldn't allow anyone to harm me, and I knew they would never employ someone like that. But again, I couldn't help but wonder why they wanted me there after what I’d overheard them say about getting me out. Men are so confusing! At least these two were.” Um, okay I'll go.” I told them, trying so hard not to just stare at their beautiful bodies, that I would love nothing more than to put myself back in between.

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