Page 8 of Discovering Lily

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Walking into the privateupscale club on Vitale's arm, I heard my phone ringing. Excusing myself from him for a moment, I walked down a hallway and answered the call. “Hello?”

“Hello Camilla, it's Luca.”

“I can see who it is, I do have caller ID you know. Quickly what do you have to tell me? Is she sold and gone yet?”


“No? What do you mean no? Where is she then?”

“The mountain side is in rumbles and she's gone. I found one of the limo drivers that was willing to talk. Seems they were all made to sign NDA's (non-disclosure agreements), and he said that there was a group of FBI Agents and some others that came in and rescued all the women from being sold and then killed most of the buyers as well as Luciano and his men.”

“What!? Who has her now? The FBI? I can't have that Luca.”

“I know, and I'm trying to find that information out now. But our FBI contacts have both been arrested. I'm going to try and get a message to Agent Jackson. It's the only way we'll ever be able to find out what happened to her since he was one of the only few who came out of there alive.”

“I can't have her ruining things for me, Luca. If she's found, then she will be the one to marry Vitale and take her place beside the head of the Gatti family where I belong. Find her, Luca. Find her and get rid of her! Are you still taking care of her fingerprints and all the missing persons reports my father and Vitale filed?”

“Yes, right now she doesn't even exist, and no one has reported her missing according to all the records.”

“And you're positive that Luciano's guy was able to successfully wipe her memory so she doesn't find her way back here?”

“He said that when he was done dosing her that she didn't even recognize herself in the mirror let alone remember anything about where she came from.”

“Good, now just find that bitch and get rid of her once and for all. My father has convinced Vitale to take me as his bride since our two families are to merge together, but I know he will choose Lillian if she reappears, and I won't allow that.”

“Camilla, you know I don't like to be kept waiting.” I heard Vitale suddenly snap behind me. “And who are you talking to?”

“I've got to go.” I told Luca, hanging up before putting my perfect lady like mask back on to face Vitale. “No one, it was just a mix up at the restaurant, but I took care of it.” Sliding up to him, I placed my hands on his chest. “See, I'm here to take care of everything, and I can take care of you too if you let me. You'll see, no one can take care of your needs the way I can.”

Gripping a hold of my wrists, painfully, and yanking them away from his chest, he pulled me in closer. “You are only here right now because your sister is missing, but if I find her, I will make her my wife and dispose of you. I wanted her by my side, not you. I'm only doing this because I respect your father and it's what's best for the merger of our two families. But be reassured I will never give up looking for her, and I will never love you.” Pulling my chin up, so I had no choice but to look him in the eyes, he clarified. “And if I ever find out that you had anything to do with her disappearance, I will kill you myself. Understood?” I nodded my head as my only answer. “Good, now let's not keep our guests waiting any longer.” He said, releasing me as a shiver of fear ran through my body.

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