Page 87 of Discovering Lily

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Once I dropped Lillianhome, I took a few days to come up with a strategy to get her away from those two hick want-to-be Cowboys and into my bed where she should have always been. Before that bitch, Camilla, caused her to be taken and allowed into the hands of those two assholes. “Sir.” Arnoldo interrupted my thoughts, standing in the doorway to my office.

“What have you found out?”

“It seems that Camilla made a certain purchase from one of our connections, paying him a bonus not to report it back to us, but of course with a... shall we say little coercion he decided to tell us what it was she bought anyway.”

“Let me guess, arsenic.”

“It would seem so, but that's not all. Luca was waiting in the car when Salvador watched her leave.”

“I fucking knew that Sonofabitch was helping her!” I shouted, slamming my fist down on the desk. “I want them found Arnoldo, and I want it done yesterday, do you hear me?! I don't care what you have to do, tear this city and every city around us apart and find that cunt and fucking boyfriend of hers and bring them to me!”

“Yes, sir,” he nodded his head, leaving my office. Trying to calm myself down, I picked up the phone and called Costanzo to inform him of my intentions to take Lillian to lunch tomorrow.

When I arrive at the Marchetti estate I was greeted by Costanzo’s wife, Donatella. “Well good morning, Vitale.”

“Good morning. Is Lillian up yet I wanted to invite her out to lunch with me today?”

“She and her bodyguards should be down shortly, sit have something to eat. We have plenty.”

“Thank you.” I tell her sitting down for some coffee and croissants. When I saw Lillian come down the stairs with those two assholes, I decided that this shit needed to end today.

It was later on in the day and finally time to put my plan into motion. I picked up the phone and made the call. “Hello?”

“Costanzo, it's Vitale.”

“Yes, what can I do for you, Vitale? I'm about to head into a meeting with Antonio.”

“I have some information that I've come into and I think that you need to be made aware of it before it ruins your family’s reputation.”

“Is this about Camilla again? I told you that if you don't have...”

I cut him off. “No, it's not about Camilla, it's about Lillian and those two bodyguards of hers, they aren't the men you think they are.”

“Oh, then tell me who they really are.”

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