Page 88 of Discovering Lily

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When we arrived atthe large set of gates with guards posted outside of them, I knew the house behind all the protection would be no meek little suburban home. When it finally came into view, after the long ride down the driveway, it was nothing like I could have ever imagined. Both Vance and I took in the sight of the three story, Italian styled, mansion with mouths wide open. “Wow!” Was all I got out before my eye caught the smirk on Vitale’s face.

“See all that you would be taking her from just to live on some Podunk farm.”

“Look asshole, we may not live in a mansion, we’re very simple that way, but I can guarantee you it's a very nice ranch and she would want for nothing. We do pretty well working in the line of business we do, and at least our money is made the honest way, not by selling someone guns or drugs. I can sleep soundly at night knowing how I made my money can you say the same?” Vance snapped back at him.

“Am I to assume then that you’re looking down your nose on Lillian and the Marchetti family as well as myself for how we make our living?”

“You know what, save it, I'm done with this petty bullshit you keep trying to start with us every time we turn around. You’re just going to have to deal with the fact that the day will come that Lily is going to leave with us to go back to the ranch where she wants to be. Where she belongs. She doesn't want to be a part of this world you and her father live in, constantly looking over your shoulders for the next guy who wants you dead.”

“We’ll see about that after her memory fully returns. I plan to keep her right here with myself and her family in the role she was born to take. As my wife and my queen.”

When the limo came to a stop neither Vance nor I could wait to get the hell out of the confined space we were in with that asshole. Walking over to Lily’s limo, we helped her out and up the stairs to the house.

If you could even call it that.

It was more like a monstrosity, but beautifully built. Waking inside, we were greeted with a large chandelier in the entrance way and dual stairs leading to the second floor with all marble tile and expensive rugs to walk on. Everything about this house looked like it was shipped straight out of Italy from the art on the walls to the furniture and decorations. “You have a beautiful home.” I told Mrs. Marchetti.

“Thank you, dear. I do hope you will be comfortable with us here.”

“I don't see how we couldn't be, thank you for opening your home to us.”

“You saved my baby, it's the least we could do.” Looking at Lily, who had walked to the back of the house as I followed along. Her mother gripped my arm. “I can tell my daughter cares for you both.” She wore a knowing gleam in her eyes that she was on to the real situation between the three of us, reminding me just how starved I was for Lily’s touch.

But until we figured out how to tell her father, we had to keep ourselves in check. The thought about her family not accepting our relationship tickled at the back of my mind, reminding me of what Vitale said about the embarrassment her family would see it as. Pushing the thought away after we’d shaken her father's hand, we helped Lily up the stairs, loving the fact that we will possibly have her alone long enough to at least show her our love with a kiss.

As we slowly moved up the stairs, I heard Vitale entering the house and turned around just in time to catch the glare he was directing at Vance and I. I held on to the urge to tell him to fuck off and then flipped him off.

The next three days went by pretty much the same, we all got up, sat around the kitchen table while one of the many staff members served us coffee and breakfast. Then we would take Lily outside to sit by the pond, the only spot there was for us to show our true feelings for her without drawing looks or questions from her family. We would also take a drive into town to have lunch somewhere, except today. Today Vitale was here, waiting at the table when we came downstairs for breakfast. He stood up when she approached. “Good morning Lillian, you’re looking well.”

“Thank you, Vitale. What are you doing here this morning?”

He looked slightly annoyed that he would have to ever explain his presence anywhere. “Can't a man come by and see his fiancée without being questioned as to why?”

“Vitale... I'm not your fiancée, Camilla is.”

“No. You are. You were the one promised to me, Lily. Camilla, she was merely a stand in if you were to never return to me, but you have now, and we can be married so that the families can become one.”

Lily let out a sigh of frustration. “Vitale.”

He walked up to her, taking her hands in his as if Vance and I weren’t even in the room. “Give me a chance to prove to you that we will be good together, Lillian.”

Oh how I want to tear his head off and shove it right up his ass!

But I couldn't and neither could Vance, who wore the same glare in his eyes I did, because it would expose us, expose her

before she was ready to tell her family about us. We wouldn't do that to her.

“Come to lunch with me today so we can talk about things, please.”

Looking back to us, she turned back to Vitale. “I won't go anywhere without them.”

“Who? Your bodyguards?”

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