Page 63 of Discovering Lily

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“What do you know about my fiancée?”

“Former fiancée.”

“Cut the shit and tell me what you know about her.”

After telling him the story about us rescuing her from Mexico, her memory being wiped, and that we had been helping her before Gustavo took her, he sat in silence again. “Hello? Did you hear me?”

“How do you know it was Gustavo that took her for sure?” He questioned.

“He’s the only one who has been lurking around.”

“I figured he was the one... I met up with him the other night for some information on a matter I'm dealing with that I thought he could help me out on, but now I know that piece of shit lied right to my face.” Vance and I to exchanged glances with one another.

“Look, do you have any idea who hired him to take her? Or where he would have taken her?” Vance blurted out, growing impatient

“Can I reach you at this number?”

"Well yes but...” Was all I got you before the call was dropped. “What the fuck?”

“I know you're hoping he will help us man, but I don't think he's really going to tell us shit. My biggest concern is that he'll try to take her back himself and cut us out of the whole equation,” Vance said to me.

“We don't have much of a choice right now. He out of everyone will know where the best places to look that Gustavo would have taken her to.”

My phone ringing cut our conversation short. “What's going on, Kelan?” I asked.

“The movement on the ring has been stopped in the same location for ten minutes now.”

“Where?” We both blurted out at the same time.

“Port Lavaca.” Cursing rang out in the cab of the SUV from both of us. “It looks like you guys are about fifteen miles out from there?”

“We are. We’ll call you as soon as we find anything. That ring moves, you call us.” Vance ordered him.

“Will do.”

We exchanged silent looks of dread, knowing that if he got her on the water we were probably fucked.

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