Page 6 of Discovering Lily

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The Woman

Standing between thosetwo had my body vibrating so much that I almost jumped out of my own skin. The feeling of Brice pressed up against the back of me as Vance stood before me had rendered me speechless, and not only that, but it felt right. My mind was picturing images that I would have never thought in a million years would cross my mind. But in all honesty, how could I really say that knowing I had no clue as to who I really was. When Vance opened the folder with my information inside all I could see was the word virgin flashing like a big neon sign. Even knowing that they had already read it, I still needed a moment to figure out how I was going to face them again. It was a little embarrassing. Thinking back to how I found out I was still a virgin conjures up images that I wish would just disappear, like my memory had, but they don't. They just constantly play over and over in my head as the only memories my mind seems to hold on to. Sitting on the bed I opened the folder and began to read and when I noticed that there were no matches to my prints, and no one had reported that anyone looking like me was missing. I began to wonder if I even had anyone to go back to. Maybe that’s why those men chose me, they knew I wouldn’t be missed.

After I'd read the whole file, which consisted of one single piece of paper, I get undressed, took a shower and change back into the shorts I had on earlier. I rummaged through the clothes I had and found a white tank top to put on before pulling my hair up into a ponytail and going back downstairs to face them. Approaching the kitchen, I could hear them talking, and even though I knew it wasn’t right, I stood to the side of the open door and listened. “If we could keep her here with us I would.” I heard Vance say first. “But it's not right, brother. We agreed, no virgins.”

Hearing those words from Vance made my heart sink, but I tortured myself even more by lingering long enough to hear Brice's answer. “You're right. I know you're right, but if that's the case then we need to get her out of here as soon as possible.”

“I know. And we will. Hopefully, Kelan finds out more next week on her. Let's just try and enjoy this weekend as much as we can with her but remember hands off.” I heard Vance warn in a stern voice.

“Yeah, yeah,” Brice answered. “I'll try, but same goes for you too brother.”

“Not going to bullshit you, though, it's going to probably be the hardest thing I've ever done. There's nothing I want more then to have her between us every night, but we just can't do it, I won't ruin her that way.” Vance told him.

“Between them?” I mumbled to myself as I scurried away back up the stairs to my room before they found me. When I stepped inside my bedroom this time, though, I looked around it with new eyes. And the pieces began to fall into place. The bed that was so much bigger than the other two. What I’d just overheard them saying. Then there was what Mack had said earlier today about them finding that special lady not ladies.

They shared women.

Sitting on my bed, I start to think about what my life would be like with the both of them in it. How would it work, and would I be able to handle both of them? But then my thoughts were cut short when Vance's words came back to slap me in my face.

No virgins.

“Hey, are you coming down for dinner?” Vance asked, appearing in the doorway, and startling me out of my thoughts. Looking up at him, he was so beautiful that he was almost hard to look at. Tall dark and handsome would be the words I'd use to describe him. With his dark hair and those dark green eyes of his, that always danced when he looked at me, as if they were just taunting me. Then there was his body that was just like that of a God, but I quickly reminded myself that he didn't want me because of my one big flaw. I was a virgin. “Are you okay?” He asked when I didn't answer as he made his way towards me, sitting down on the bed next to me.

“I'm fine.” I lied. “I'm just disappointed that more wasn't found. I'm really anxious to find out who I am and get back to my life and loved ones,” Another half lie. While I wanted to know who my family was, I didn't want to leave Vance and Brice, but they wanted me to, I reminded myself. “Hopefully, you guys will find out something soon, so I won't be such a burden to you anymore.”

Placing his hand on my cheek, I could feel the instant heat from his touch ignite something inside of me. “You're not a burden at all. We enjoy having you here, and I know Mack likes hanging out with you. He will now even more since he knows you can ride. Don't ever feel like you're in anyway a burden to us, all right.” He said, cupping my face with his other hand, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Okay.” I answered in a quiet voice as he stared at me for a moment like he was trying to hear my unspoken words.

As we sat there, not moving, lips inches apart, a throat clearing sound broke the spell and we both looked to see Brice leaning against the door frame. He was clearly glaring at Vance. “Are we eating, or what?” He snapped.

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