Page 58 of Discovering Lily

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After I’d interrogatedLuca, I could tell he knew something but seemed willing to give up his life to protect that bitch.

When I had Camilla brought in to see how she would act around him, she was so calm, cool, and collected that I knew she was fucking him. I could see the worried glances she would make his way every so often, not knowing I was watching her. “Get them both out of here.” I ordered Arnoldo.

When he came back in, after having one of his men take Luca back home and sending Camilla up to her room, he asked. “So do you believe anything they said?”

“Fuck no I don't. Those two are not only fucking each other, they're working together... but on what? I would already know if your guy hadn't lost track of Camilla when she left the other day.” I glared at him, knowing he'd already addressed that situation, swiftly. “Anyway, I would say that they were trying to have me killed, but then there's no way Gustavo would have allowed us both out of that warehouse alive if that were the case. No, I have a feeling this all has something to do with Lillian's sudden disappearance. I know just how power-hungry Camilla is. She wouldn’t hesitate to have her removed from being my fiancée just so she could slide into that spot, being the only other choice.” I rubbed my chin, thinking about what that bitch had possibly done.

“Sir,” Arnoldo spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I replied, looking up, noticing he was cupping his earpiece.

“It's the FBI. There are two agents at the door with a warrant for your arrest.” He was barely able to get out before the two same agents were standing in the doorway to my office.

“Mr. Vitale Gatti?” The first agent asked as I sat back in my chair, wondering what the hell they could possibly have a warrant on me for.

“Yes, what can I help you gentlemen with today?”

“You can come with us, sir. We have a warrant for your arrest on suspicion of kidnapping.”

“Kidnapping?!” I blurted out, shocked that of all things they could have possibly be here for that it was that. “Who is it you think I've Kidnapped if you don't mind my asking?”

“Lillian Marchetti.” The second agent informed me, practically knocking me over with his words.


“Yes sir, so we are going to need you to come with us.”

As the first Agent began to place the cuffs on my wrists behind my back, only one question popped into my mind. “When was she kidnapped?”

“Agent Walker will answer all of your questions downtown, now let's go,” he said, pushing me out of my office, but

not before I could tell Arnoldo to contact my lawyer and have him meet us there.

On the ride down to the station a dozen thoughts ran through my head. Kidnapping Lillian? That must mean she's alive out there somewhere, but where? And why do they think I could possibly have any...


The wire transfer to Gustavo I made under one of my alias accounts. They must have traced it back to me somehow. Then that means I was right, and that bitch did hire Gustavo to take her. But he’s never dealt in kidnappings, only killings. If he had her, that meant she was either one of two things: dead, or one of his new hobbies. And for her sake, as much as it pained me to think it, I’d hoped he chose death for her.

When we arrived at the station, my lawyer was already there waiting for me. After they dragged me into an interrogation room, he was allowed inside with me. When he'd finished coaching me on what not to say to incriminate myself any further, an older Agent with graying hair walked into the room. Closing the door behind him, he took a seat across from me at the table I'd been cuffed to. “So Mr. Gatti, do you know why we've brought you in here today?”

Before I could answer his question, my lawyer was already spouting off. “This is ridiculous. You have nothing on my client that ties him to Miss Marchetti's disappearance. He has been just as concerned about her whereabouts since she went missing. In fact, he even filed a missing persons report.”

“Are you finished?” The cocky Agent asked, glancing nonchalantly at my lawyer, to which he replied with his own

glare. Looking over at me, he cleared his throat. “What if I told you Mr. Gatti that I have proof of a wire transfer from one of your accounts in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars to one Gustavo Carbrone, also known to be a hired killer?”

“I'd say you’re barking up the wrong tree, Agent Walker. That money wasn't...”

“Vitale, I have to advise you not to answer that question.” My lawyer interjected, cutting me off.

When I turned to glare at him, he just shook his head at me. “Like I was saying. I paid Gustavo that money only to find out some information I thought he might have for me.”

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