Page 57 of Discovering Lily

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As I drove down theroad all that went through my mind was, what if we’ve lost her? What if I never get to touch her, hold her, hear her beautiful laugh at something I've said, or see her smile that lit up a room when she walked in. What if I never get to hear her whimpers and moans again as I make love to her.

Brice’s voice snapped me out of my dark pit. “We need to get Agent Walker in on this. We have record of the wire transfer from Vitale to Gustavo, knowing it’s Gustavo that is probably the one who took her we can have Vitale brought in for suspicion of kidnapping”

“Make the call.” Was all I said to him before he was on the phone with Walker, giving him all the information, we had on the situation.

“I'll have him brought in right now. I just need to put in a call to our Chicago office then I'll fly out and question the bastard myself and let you know as soon as I find anything out.”

“Thank you, Agent Walker.” I cut in.

“Hey before I hang up, either one of you call Larson yet and see if he can help? Now that he's out of the bureau he'll be able to do things I can't.”

“Great idea, we'll give him a call.” Brice told him, disconnecting the call with him.

“Think we will need him on this one?” Brice asked.

“I think anyone that has any way of helping us find her before Gustavo finds out that ring is a tracking device is very much needed.”

“You're right.”

As we sped down the highway, trying to catch up to the signal from her ring, that we're following, Brice told Larson everything that had gone on since we went to New York. He immediately got on his laptop and sent out APB's to the local authorities in every town she'd been through or was headed towards. “Hopefully since we don't know the make and model of the vehicle, he's in, he'll need to stop soon for gas or something and an officer will spot one of them. I'll keep digging and see if I can have one of my connections, I still have at the FBI, see if they can locate any satellite images of his vehicle on your property. What time would you say she went missing?”

Looking to one another, I spoke up. “I would say about two hours ago.”

“So that puts us at about two pm then. All right I'll make the call and see what I can find out and get back to you as soon as I can.” He paused for a moment. “We will get her back guys, I promise you. We have too many factors working in our favor here not to.”

“Thanks, Larson,” Brice said.

“Anytime,” he answered, disconnecting the call.

“We will get her back.” I tried to assure Brice with as much conviction as I could muster up.

“I know we will. We have to,” he answered as we barreled down the highway.

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