Page 56 of Discovering Lily

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Feeing as if my bodywere rocking back and forth, I suddenly open my eyes at the sound of a man’s voice.

“I've got her.” Were the first words I heard him speak to someone, but in the position I was in I couldn't see his face nor get my heavy limbs to cooperate with me to move my body so I could get a look at him. “No, I haven't killed her yet, but she's no longer a threat to you so just go on with your fairy tale life and never think about her again, she's dead as far as everyone is concerned.” Letting out a heavy breath he continued. “I'm not sending you photos. You'll just have to trust me to finish the

job. Listen you bitch, don't fuck with me or you will be next. I don't take orders from you!” Was the last thing he said before ending the call and throwing the phone in the passenger seat. “Fucking cunt. Why in the hell I helped that power hungry bitch I'll never know.” He muttered to himself. Trying to get my body to move, so I can find a way to get out of this car, I decided that maybe it was best if I faked still being passed out until I could move my limbs more easily, but I knew I couldn't wait too long. The longer I waited, the further he took me from Brice and Vance.

Thinking of them brought tears to my eyes, wondering if I'd ever see them again.

“There's nowhere on this earth you could go that we won't find you, Lily.”

Hearing Brice's words echo inside my head, I prayed that they could find me before it was too late and this guy killed me before they found me.

Feeling the car jerk to the right, we came to a stop somewhere.

This might be my only chance to escape.

As he exited the car, I kept my eyes closed and my body still until he opened the back door. “I know you're awake, Lillian.” Grabbing a hold of my ankles, he yanked me towards him, causing me to scream out.

I began to kick at anything and everything I could connect with on his body, it was then that his face came into focus and I froze. “It's you.”

“Yes Lillian, it's me, and if you want to stay alive you need to do exactly as I tell you to and stop fighting me.”

“But why did you take me away from Vance and Brice, I was safe with them.”

“Safe? Safe?!” He shouted at me. “If you were so fucking safe how was I able to get a hold of you so easily then, huh?”

“I-I.” Was all I’d been able to get out before he yanked me out of the car onto shaky legs and what looked like a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. “Why are you doing this?”

Ignoring my question, he held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”

“Why? What's really going on here?” I asked, yanking my arm out of his grip. “You're the one who was hired to kill me, why the hell would I give you my phone let alone trust you?”

“Because if you don't they will track you down and finish the job I was hired to do.”

“Who?” I questioned, needing to know just who it was that wanted me gone so badly.

“Your sister, Camilla.”

Shock crushed my heart that my own sister wanted me dead. “Why? I-I don't understand?”

“Look we don't have time for this. I need to get you to a safe location before she figures out that you're still alive and sends someone else to finish the job,” he said, flipping my body around and ripping my phone out of my back pocket, tossing it into the field before forcing me into the front passenger seat of the car and belting me in. “Enough with the questions for now. I'll tell you everything you want to know when I get you somewhere safe.”

As we drove off, I looked over to him. “I know you, don't I?”

Glancing back at me quickly, he asked. “Do you remember anything about me?”

“I remember your eyes and the coldness they always had.”

Chuckling he replied. “And they said they could erase everything from that memory of yours.”

Shocked that he knew what had happened to me, I opened my mouth to ask the million and one questions I had when he stopped me. “I'm not answering anymore questions until I get you to my safe house.”

Confusion began to stir inside of me. On one hand I wanted to believe he was here to help me but the cold calculating look in his eyes kept prompting the small voice in my head to keep telling me there was something more going on here. Looking down at my hands that lay in my lap, I nervously twisted the silver ring Carter had given me over and over again, trying to figure out just what the hell was really going on here, wondering if this man was really helping to save me? And if so, why wasn't Vance and Brice a part of it? Why take me away from them?

Chancing a peek in his direction, his eyes connected with mine, an ice-cold glare until they morphed into something else, a warmth that looks almost foreign on him.

Giving him a slight smile, I turned to look out the window, watching the land we travel over pass by as the car took me to a place unknown, with a man I couldn't trust.

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