Page 39 of Discovering Lily

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“Why are you, so meanto me?” I snapped at Vitale, who did nothing but ignore me half the time, and then acted like an

asshole towards me the other half. I was fed up with it! He didn’t even acknowledge my outburst and continued to talk to his right-hand man, Arnoldo, who was a brick house with tree stumps for arms and legs. “Vitale, I am speaking to you!” I blurted out, having had enough of his cold-hearted bullshit.

Glaring at me over his shoulder, with eyes so dark a normal man would run screaming from them, he turned back around and nodded for Arnoldo to leave us before he turned to stalk across the room and address my outburst. Getting up close to me, he stayed silent, looking me in the eyes as he ran the back of his hand over my cheek ever so gently. Seconds later, his hand was wrapped painfully tight around my throat, effectively cutting my airway off as pulled me in even closer. “If you ever, and I do mean ever speak to me in front of one of my men like that again Camilla, you’re going to find yourself severely punished for your actions,” leaning down, he whispered in my ear. “And I don't mean from me. Arnoldo knows just how to make you scream out bloody murder and wish for a death that will never come, sweetness. So if I were you, I would watch my tongue very carefully, do you understand me Camilla?” He finally released me with a jerking motion as I tried to push the black spots forming in my eyes away and pulled air back into my lungs once again. “Y-yes. Yes, I understand.” I gasped out, holding my throat, and trying to get my breath back.

“Good. Now go fix yourself up. After all, I can't have my bitch of a fiancée running around looking like shit. No matter how much I fucking despise her,” he stated flatly, waving me away.

Knowing he was probably going to lash out at me, I still needed to know. “What is it about her that made you want her more than me? She doesn't know how to make you feel good the way I do.”

Looking me over with disgust in his eyes, he answered. “Exactly. She’s pure. She’s someone I can mold to my liking and bend to my tastes, a blank canvas if you will. You on the other hand are nothing but a filthy whore who would sell herself to the highest bidder if it meant there was a chance at power.”

As tears welled up in my eyes from his hurtful words, I refused to let them fall in front of this bastard. “You will regret the way you've treated me one day, Vitale.” I turned to head towards the door. Feeling a hand grip my bicep, I was roughly flung back around to face him. “Are you fucking threatening me, you bitch?” His tone was one that I recognized all too well, deadly.

I tried to pull my arm away from his harsh grip that would surely be a bruise tomorrow. “No, I’m not threating you. What I'm telling you is that I can be a great asset to you if you would just allow me to be.”

He cruelly laughed at my words. “The only asset you'll ever be sweetness, is the one that helps me solidify this merger, shuts her fucking mouth up and doesn't embarrass me in front of my men. Do. You. Understand. Me, yet?”


He practically shoved me towards the door. “Good. Now get the fuck out of my office so I can finish my work.”

Walking out of his office, I cradled my arm, massaging the soreness out of it as I headed up the stairs. Hearing my phone go off in my pocket, I made it up to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me before answering it. “Hello?”

“It's me.”


“Yes, what do you have for me?”

“I've made contact with the target and it shouldn't be much longer now.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. Finally, something actually went right today. “That's great news. So, do you have any kind of timetable for me yet?”

“No, those men of Black Spade are constantly around her, so it's a matter of patience and being able to make a clean getaway with her to some place less public where people can't identify me. But when I did get close enough to her to see that she really has no memory. She didn't even recognize me when she literally ran into me, so what ever Luciano's guy did to her

memory it actually worked.”

“That's good to know. I may have another job for you in a few months.” I informed him, putting the second part of my plan into action.

“Fine.” Was his only word about that before the call dropped.

“Always the charismatic one,” I mumbled to myself as I tried to piece together what my next move would be. It was then that I knew who I needed to call for help in that process.

Pulling out my phone again, to call him, it only rang once before he picked up. “Hey babe.”

“Don't call me that, you know how I hate pet names.”

“Fine, what do you need from me now, Camilla? Is that better?” Luca asked with an annoyance laced in his voice.

Sighing out loud at my frustration with needing him so much, I tried to remember Gustavo's warning about keeping him

happy so he doesn't turn on me. “Can I see you?”

“Sure.” He answered with hope. It almost made me feel bad for using him.

“Meet me at the usual spot in twenty.”

“Got it,” he said before hanging up.

“Time to set things up for my future,” I mumbled to myself, grabbing my purse and car keys to head out. As I shut the

door to my bedroom behind me, the hair on the back of my neck instantly rose up as the feeling of being watched slithered

its way over me. Looking behind me, then down the hall into the other rooms, I figured it to just must be my nerves on edge when I found nothing and set out on my way.

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