Page 22 of Discovering Lily

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After spending theday at the museum, we made our way back to the hotel to wash up and get dressed for dinner, and our

night out on the town. I was able to talk them into going to one of the local night clubs I read about, and I couldn't

wait till they saw the dress I picked out for myself. Vance's secretary, T, had taken me out shopping last week. T was definitely not a stupid woman, she was on to the sexual tension, that ran through the three of us, the very first day she saw us all together in Vance's office. Hence the reason my dress was going to leave them drooling. She helped me pick out something she knew that both of them would love. It was a sleeveless black dress that stopped mid-thigh with a choker like neckline that opens slightly at my chest. But the back of the dress was where it really got interesting. It scooped down to just above my butt with two black lace straps running up the back to the neckline. After I'd showered and done my make-up with a simple night time look of smoky eyes, some mascara, and red lipstick, I made a few curls in my long brown hair and finished up with some chandelier type silver earrings before getting into my dress and putting the new four inch black

heels, that wrapped up to just above my ankle on. With one final glance at myself in the mirror, I was pleased with the

final look. Hearing a knock on my door, I knew it was showtime. I had decided that I didn't care who I was or who

my family was, I wanted these two men in my life more than anything. And tonight, I was going to take Carter's advice and start letting them know.

Opening the door, I found Vance on the other side. Jesus Christ the man was hot! He was wearing black jeans, and a gray button up shirt that did everything to show off his muscles.

Drooling here people.

“Holy shit!” Vance practically shouted out at the sight of me. I turned around, showing off, and saw his eyes taking in every inch of my body with a scorching look burning in them.

I giggled. “Am I to assume you like my dress?” I asked with a flirty look.

“Umm.” Was all the answer he got out before Brice walked out of his room, dressed like sex on a stick, in his dark blue jeans, and royal blue button up shirt.

“Holy shit!” he shouted, staring at me as his tongue peeked out, wetting his lips.

“My words exactly, brother.” Vance told him as they both stood there staring at me until the heat began swirling around


Brice broke the silence first. “You look beautiful, Gina.”

I looked down at my dress. “Thank you. T helped me pick it out.”

“Fucking T.” I barely heard Vance grumble under his breath, making me smile, knowing she was right about them loving this dress.

“Well are we ready to go? I'm looking forward to having some fun tonight.” I winked at them before turning to walk to the door, but not before hearing the low groans from the two men behind me as they followed.

“Then fun you shall have, sweetheart,” Brice said, surprising me with the new pet name.

As we rode down in the elevator, it stopped on the next floor. Two young guys, who made no attempt to hide the fact that they were checking me out, got on, causing Vance and Brice to react at the same time as they each grabbed a hand, pulling me back towards their bodies.

My plan was definitely working! I thought to myself with a smile.

After we all got off the elevator, Brice, and Vance never released their grip on my hands as they gave the two guys a look that clearly warned them to back the fuck off as we walked out the door to our awaiting car. Vance slid in first then myself and Brice right behind me, effectively sandwiching me in between the two of them. Right where I wanted to be.

“Okay, so there are a few rules we need to go over for tonight.” Vance suddenly informed me with a serious look on his face. Or should I say a look of possession if I was correct.

“Rules?” I asked.

“Yes. You are not to leave mine or Brice's sight tonight. Even if you have to use the restroom one of us will escort you there.”

“That's a little much, don't you think? I mean it's the restroom where a bunch of women are.” I giggled, rolling my eyes.

Then you should have thought about that before you wore that dress.” Brice added, pulling my chin to meet his eyes. “Every guy in there is going to try to hit on you looking the way you do.”

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