Page 15 of Discovering Lily

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Looking down at my hands, twisting in my lap, I took a deep breath and looked up at him. “Well... I think I might be attracted to both of them, like same level of interest for both of them. And I think they might be attracted to me.”

Laughing so hard, that he almost falls out of his chair, I began to get angry and get up to leave. If this guy just wanted to laugh at, I wasn’t going to give him anything else to laugh at. When I started to leave Carter grabbed a hold of my arm. “Wait, wait.”

I glared back at him. “I don't think this is very funny. I opened up to you and now you’re practically falling out of your chair laughing at me.”

“Sit... sit,” he ordered with a calm demanding tone, that I would have never expected out of the lighthearted looking playboy.

Sitting back down, he took my hand in his. “First, I wasn't laughing at you or about what you were telling me. And second, I would never do that. What I was laughing about was being that I've known those two assholes for the better part of ten years now I can tell you with out a doubt that they are both extremely attracted to you, but have absolutely no idea how to even begin to approach you.” Letting out a heavy breath, he continued. “Look, they're obviously doing a horrible job of hiding what it is they are into since you're asking and have some ideas already of what they prefer so I don't think I'm really giving anything away here. Yes, they do share their women, and don't ask me any other questions about it please. I don't want to tell their story, like I said. But when it comes to you? You have those two so off balance and chasing their own tails it's probably the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.”

“So why won't they talk to me about it? I've tried but they always make up some excuse for the way they act around me, and let me just be honest, it's getting really tense in that house.”

Looking around first, he leaned in. “Okay I'm going to tell you something that could get my ass beat, so you never heard it from me, got it?”

Happy to get something from this, I assured him. “I promise I won't say a word.”

“They're afraid of you.”

“Wait, Wha...?”

He quickly cut me off. “Just listen. After what happened to you in Mexico, they're a little afraid to touch you for fear of frightening you, so they're both holding back. And they will continue to do so until you give them a clear sign that it's okay. So my advice to you is, if you want anything with them, you'll have to be the one to make the first move. But you also need to take into consideration what happens when we find your family, or your memory comes back, or if there's someone else out there waiting for you to come home. What happens then?”

Knowing that he was right, I decided that maybe waiting a little longer wasn't such a bad idea. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to get hurt. Interrupting my thoughts Carter pulled me up out of my seat. “Come on, let's get you back up to Vance's office before he and Brice put a hit out on my ass for keeping you with me too long.” Causing me to laugh.

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