Page 16 of Discovering Lily

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As I entered the café, I looked around to find where he was sitting. Spotting him, I headed straight for him. “I hope there's a damn good reason you called me away from the family merger meeting.” I snapped out, taking the seat across from Luca.

He looked up at me with a glare. “You know, you could be a little nicer.”

“Look, I'm sorry, but I should be in that meeting and you calling me away looks very suspicious. I had to make up some lame ass excuse that Gianna was upset and needed to talk to me. Hopefully, they bought it.”

“I'm sure they did. After all, you are one hell of a manipulating bitch.”

“Aww compliments will get you nowhere with me. Now enough of this petty chit chat bullshit, what do you have for me?”

“Well, I was able to get a message to former Agent Jackson in prison but you are not going to like what I found out.”

“Oh God, just tell me. What is it?” I asked, dreading that all of my lying and deceiving to be Vitale's wife was going to blow up in my face.

“He said that Lillian was with the men of Black Spade Securities the last time he heard. So I did some research on these guys and I'm afraid that they have quite the reputation of being able to go places and do things that the authorities can't to solve crimes faster. In fact, the FBI has teamed up with them several times, using their skills, just like they did in Mexico. And that's not all. They are the ones responsible for Pablo's death as well last year. These guys are no one to fuck around with unless you're carrying around a pair of balls made of steel. So if they do in fact have her, it's going to take nothing short of a hit squad to get her back.”

“Shit!” I said in a whispered yell. “So what do you think we should do?”

“Honestly, unless you know some men that are willing to go in and take them all out, without telling your father or Vitale that Lillian is alive, I'd say you need to make that call that you were avoiding.”

“Think he can get her away from them?”

“I know he can, but it's not going to come cheap. So you're going to have to figure out how to get that amount of money without raising any suspicion.”

Knowing I had some money put away, that I was planning to use if I needed to flee the country, I thought for a moment before Luca's hand on my cheek interrupted my thoughts. “Why don't you forget about all of this shit and just leave the country with me right now. I'll take care of you; you'll never want for anything.”

I'd known for a while now that Luca still harbored feelings for me, but he could never give me the one thing I genuinely wanted. Power.

“Luca, I can't. You know how much I want to be head of the family and that's something you can never give me.”

“Power, I know, because I'm just some lowly sewer rat you tolerate only when you need something.” He said, looking like a sulking little boy.

I knew that I needed to give him something before he let his jealousy ruin everything, I'd worked so hard for, so I took his hand in mine and put on my best acting job. “That's not true. No one has ever made love to me the way you do, Luca. You will always own my body.”

“Just not your heart, right?” He accused in an angry tone, yanking back his hand.

“Luca please, you know I can't.”

“Fine,” he snapped out, getting up and throwing some money down onto the table. “Make the call, Camilla. I'll be in touch.” With those last words, he headed for the door without another glance back.

As I watched him walk, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Luca would always be my first love, and he may be the last one I'd ever have. But he'd never be able to give me what I needed.

Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I walked out of the café and got into my car before I placed the call to the only man I knew would get the job done without fear of retaliation from my family for killing one of its members. As the phone rang, my nerves got the best of me and had me chewing on my fingernails.

“Sì.” He answered in a deep voice.

“Gustavo, it's Camilla. I-I need a favor, and I need it to remain just between us.”

“Ah Camilla, it's been awhile. Do you have the money for this... favor?”

“Of course. Where do you want to meet?”

“I'm not available right now. I will call you in a couple of days to set up a meet. Have the money with you.” With that he was gone.

“Such a fucking charmer, that one.” I mumbled to myself as I tossed my phone in the passenger seat and pulled my Mercedes out into traffic.

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