Page 108 of Discovering Lily

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“No!” I heard myselfscreaming as I watched Brice and Vance both fall at our feet with blood seeping from their bodies. Looking up for help, the first thing I saw was the gun in my father's hand as he stood over my sister’s lifeless body, doing the sign of the cross.

“I will never forgive myself.” I heard him say before I screamed out. “Help me! Please, somebody help me!”

My father and Vitale rushed over to my mother and I, searching our bodies for any injuries. “Are you okay?” Vitale asked, running his hands over my body.

“Yes! Stop touching me! It's Brice and Vance, they've been shot! Get some help! Oh God please somebody help them...” I sobbed, trying to move between the two of them and comfort both of the men I loved, not wanting either one of them to feel like I've abandoned them.

“I made the call to our contact in Chicago PD an ambulance is on the way.” I heard someone say.

After what seems like hours of me moving back and forth between the two of them, cradling their heads and telling them how much I love them the ambulance finally arrives. “You have to move out of the way Lillian. You have to let these people help them.” Vitale says pulling me to my feet as I instinctively burry my face in his chest crying for them to both live. Realizing that I'm clinging to the one man they both despise right in front of them, I push out of his grip. “Lillian.”

“No! No, don't touch me, I need to be with them... I need... them... they can't, they can't leave me.” I sank towards the floor once again.

Feeling hands wrap around me, I looked up to see the tears in my father's eyes and it dawned on me. Momma! Pushing my way over to where she was sitting, an EMT checking her out, I asked. “Are you okay, Momma?”

With tears running down her cheeks, she looked up at me. “Yes baby, I'm okay. I'm just so sorry about your men.” Looking up at my father, who now stood over us both, she said, “I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for those two men. Neither one of us would be, Constanzo.” To which my father nodded in answer.

“I've got a pulse!” Being yelled pulled my attention back to Vance and Brice’s bodies lying on the ground.

“I've got one too, but it's faint! We need to get them out of here now!” The paramedic yelled as their stretchers were yanked up to a standing position and rolled away with the two men I loved. Each of them taking half of my heart with them, knowing that if I lost them I’d lose the part they took, leaving me with nothing but an empty shell to live in. If it was even possible to continue on living without a beating heart.

Watching the scene unfold in front of me, the voices all rolled into one jumbled mess and everything moved in a dream like fashion as if I were just a voyeur in someone else's nightmare. That was until I looked down and caught sight of all the blood left by them on my clothes. Suddenly not feeling my legs beneath me, I slowly start crumbling to the floor, but then I was caught with the same strong arms that always caught me as a child. “Don't give up on them so quickly baby girl, you fight for them. Let them feel you fighting for them. Those men will survive if they know you’re here waiting for them, so make sure you tell them that with your heart and your prayers,” My father said, shocking me.

“Oh Papa, I won't make it if they don't, I can't...”

“Shh, that's why you can't give up. I can't lose you again, I won't.” My father hugged me, and then before I could even comprehend what was happening around me, I found myself sitting in a car, following the flashing lights that lit up the darkness of night.

Arriving at the hospital, I couldn't get out of the car fast enough to be by their sides. “I love you both so much. Please, please don't leave me here all alone, please... come back to me, please.” I begged through tears as they were wheeled into the hospital and ripped away from me. “Ma’am please, if we’re going to save them you have to let them go.” I heard someone say as I reluctantly opened my hands and released my grip, allowing God to take them into his hands and fix them. So they could return to me once again. So I could feel my heart beat once again.

“It's all going to be okay, baby.” My mother tried to assure me, wrapping her arms around me.

Crying once again, all I got out in between sobs were the words. “I love them so much.”

“I know, I know.”

Sitting in the waiting room for what seemed like forever while every horrible scenario ran through my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a deep male voice. “Hello, I'm Dr. Davidson. Are you the ones who came in with Mr. Richards and Mr. Martinez?”

I got up and literally ran towards him. “Yes, yes, please tell me they're both going to be okay.”

“I wish I could do that Miss, but I can't.” Were the only words I heard before my world went silent. I'd lost them. I'd lost my heart and my reason to live.

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