Page 107 of Discovering Lily

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Pulling up to the warehousedistrict, we headed down Cloverdale to look for the black town car, when it finally came into view ahead of us about two blocks away. “Park here behind this building and we’ll walk. I don't want them to have even a hint of knowing we’re here,” Vance said.

Nodding in agreement, I pulled into the spot and we get out. Looking around for any sign that Vitale had already arrived, we found none. “Do you want to wait for him?” Hearing a car pulling up, we both ducted down. “Shit! That's Lillian and Camilla pulling in.”

“I don’t think we can wait for Vitale and his guys; I think we need to just go in ourselves. There’s only the three of them, if the driver is even still alive that is.”

“I agree.” Just as we get ready to move, an ostentatious black escalade pulled up with two more SUV’s in tow, and I knew it had to be Vitale.

Getting out of the back of the SUV, the rest of his men followed suit. “Have you seen anything? Or anyone?” he questioned, walking up to us.

“We just saw Camilla pull in with Lillian in the passenger seat.” I told him.

“No Luca or Anthony, the driver, with them?”

“No. It was just the two of them.”

“Okay, well I have ten of my best men at your disposal, what do you want to do?”

Shocked at this turn of events from Vitale, I shook it off, knowing it wasn’t really us that he was helping out. “Have your men surround the back and sides of the building as well as the vehicles. That way they have to go through us to escape.”

“All right, but you need to know Camilla is one crazy bitch. I wouldn't put it past her to kill Lillian or her mother, so we need to make sure we can get in between them or I'm afraid they will end up a casualty in this whole thing.”

“Got it, leave that job up to Brice and myself. You go in with us and see if you can't somehow persuade Camilla to put the gun down. Tell her you’ll marry her or love her, whatever the hell gets her attention off of them until we can get to Lily and Mrs. Marchetti.”

“Will do, men come in.” After Vitale explained everything to his men, they all took off and got into position as Vance, Vitale, and myself, creep slowly up to the door.

“I heard Camilla yelling at someone,” Vitale said as we neared the door.

“She's getting irate, we need to get in there before she does something worse than just yell at them. Looks like you’re up, see if you can get her to calm down once we get inside while Brice and I make our way over to the women.”

“What about Luca? Who’s going to scope him out?” Vitale questioned.

“Just leave that to us.” I assured him.

Giving us a nod, he moved to the front, kicking the door in, yelling at Camilla to put the gun down that we could see she was pointing towards Lily and her mother. Swinging the gun in our direction and then back towards Lily she backed up towards them as she shouted. “Don't come any closer or I will shoot them both!” moving the gun back and forth in their direction.

“Camilla don't make me shoot you! Please, don't make me shoot my fiancée!”

“Fiancée?” She chuckled. “Bullshit! You don't give a damn about me Vitale! All you want is her! Perfect little, Lillian! Luca couldn't even hurt her! All of you are blind to the conniving bitch she really is!”

Noticing Luca on the floor, I could see from the amount of blood surrounding him that he was gone.

“Not true, I've thought about things a lot lately and she isn't the kind of woman who can rule in my world. She's too soft, but not you Camilla, your just like me and you and I could be so powerful together. Just think about it. You will be my queen and want for nothing or fear anything from anyone ever again.”

I could tell that she was starting to fall for his words, so Vance and I began slowly inching our way towards Lily. Looking at her and her mother, I could see they were both petrified that Camilla was going to follow through with shooting them. Trying to silently convey my instructions to Lily, for her and her mother to duct down when I tell them to, she nodded her head slightly that she understood. Turning my attention back to Vance as the conversation between Vitale and Camilla continued, I let him know that they understood.

Getting within just a few feet of them, we suddenly heard Camilla scream something at Vitale and raise her gun towards a frightened Lily and her mother once again. “Just die!” She yelled just as Vance and I both made the jump in front of Lily and her mother.

Multiple shots ring out, pain finding its way into my back and side just before my body crashed to the ground at Lily’s feet. “Brice! Vance! No!” Were the last words I heard from her beautiful voice as the world around me began to fade away into darkness.

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