Page 106 of Discovering Lily

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“It's not because they loved me more Camilla, it's because...”

“Shut up! Just shut up! God can’t you just fucking stop trying to be the perfect daughter just for one God damn second?! You make me sick; you really do, Lillian. You don't even realize that you’re just a pawn! A game piece that Momma and Papa are playing for power! You might as well be a prostitute with the way Papa promised Vitale your virginity and hand in marriage!”

“That's not...”

“I'm done! Stop trying to make excuses for their actions!” The rest of the ride to the bank was made in a suffocating silence.

When we arrived at the bank, Camilla once again reminded me that Momma’s life depended on me. After a few questions and signatures, I was walking out with a check for $20 million dollars in my hand made out to cash. Once inside the car, Camilla snatched the check from my grip. “Look at that, isn't it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” she said, taunting me. “It's just too bad you’ll never get a chance to spend any of it.”

“I hope that having all this money makes you happy enough to just leave us alone now and go far away somewhere so we’ll never have to see your ugly, deceiving face ever again.”

When she looked at me, I could see the hurt I just inflicted only for a second before the hate armor she wore was back in place. “Let's get you back to your Momma, what do you say?” Not answering her, I just looked out the window as we drove along in silence.

Arriving at the warehouse, we were greeted by Luca when he came out the door. “Is it done? Are we good to go?”

Looking at me, I could see a glimmer in her eyes that made the ground I stood on suddenly become shaky, knowing that look. “Oh we are very good to go baby, let's get inside so no one sees us and then we can get the hell out of here.” Luca opened the door for us and as we passed through it my heart rate began to race out of control from thoughts of what will happen next now that she had what she wants from us. Before I could even register what was happening, I heard a loud bang that caused me to hit the ground, struggling to comprehend if I'd been the one who'd been shot. Until I heard the gasp of breath leave Luca’s body that was now lying on the ground behind me.

Turning around, I witnessed my sister standing over his body with the smoking gun in her hand. “Why?” Was all I could squeak out, stunned with disbelief.

Full on laughing at me, she finally stopped. “Why?! Why do I do anything, Lillian? I do it for me!” Pointing the gun at me, she ordered. “Now as for you, I want you to go get Momma and bring her out here, I have something I want to tell the both of you at the same time.” Not able to get my feet to move fast enough, she yelled down at me. “Get up! Move! Now!” Scrambling to my feet, I headed to the room my mother was in, chanting the word ‘please’ over and over again, that Vance and Brice found us before it was too late. “And don't think of trying to escape, Lillian!” she said in a sing song voice, “because, there's no way out back there.”

Opening the door to the room, my mother instantly rushed over to me. “Oh my God, I thought she shot you!” She sobbed, pulling me into a tight hug.

Pushing her back, I assured her. “I'm okay Momma, it was Luca she shot.”

“Oh that poor boy, he never had a mean bone in his body until she put them inside him.”

“Momma, listen to me,” I gripped her shoulders. “We have to keep her talking to us and stretch our time out, Vance and Brice will rescue us if we can, I know they will.”

Looking at me with shock on her face, she asked. “They're still here? But I thought...”

“We don't have much time.” Just as I said that, I heard Camilla yell for us. “This ring has GPS on it, and I know they're tracking it so just follow my lead, okay?”

“All right.”

As we entered the warehouse part of the building, our hands gripped tightly together, Camilla had her gun pointed right at us. “There you two are. Aww mother and daughter, clinging together. Were you two in there trying to make plans to escape? Well let me help you out with that. It's not going to happen, but this is what’s going to happen. You two are going to be shot by Luca, and then he's going to burn this place down to hide the bodies, but sadly enough he's not going to make it out in time and parish in the fire with you himself.”

“Camilla.” Mother started as she stepped towards her.

“What, you going to tell me how much you love me? Or how wrong I am about this whole thing? Or better yet, ‘we can figure this whole thing out if you just put down the gun’?”

“No, I know you’re too far gone in your heart to believe any of that. What I was going to say is that I'm sorry, your father and I are so sorry you that ever believed we loved you any less than your sister.”

Chuckling, she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the warehouse door slamming open and the words. “Put the gun down now, Camilla!” Being yelled at her.

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