Page 64 of Protecting Keira

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After we'd blown themountainside up and parted ways with Larson and Santino, telling them of our gratitude for all their help in getting Keira back and putting an end to this ring of human trafficking once and for all. We headed to Brody's house to get Keira and the other woman before we met up with the pilot that Larson arranged to take us back home.

"Can you fucking believe we just did that? That we finally rid ourselves and everyone else of those cockroaches." Brice said.

"It's a good feeling, isn't it?" Hudson answered with a wide smile.

"I almost wanted to stay there for the next two days just to make sure none of those fuckers crawled out of there." I told them.

"Nobody is getting out of that pile of rocks alive." Carter stated.

Brice cleared his throat. "So, about this woman with Keira that has no memory of who she is. I think we should take her back with us as well, so we can try and help her figure out who she is and see if we can locate her family."

"I agree." Vance answered quickly. "I think we can help her find them."

"Now the question is... where will she be staying?" Hudson brought up with a wink in Vance, and Brice's direction.

"Well since she only trusts Keira right now, maybe it’s better that she stays with us for now." I spoke up, knowing the reaction I was going to get after seeing how the two of them reacted to the woman.

"In Wyoming?" Brice asked in almost a screeching tone.

"Sure, why not? Unless you think you know of a better arrangement that she will be comfortable with?"

"I think we should just wait until we get to Brody’s house and talk to her more about it then." Vance answered. "The most important thing is that she feels safe. We don't want her to be anymore frightened than she already is."

"Just keep telling yourselves that she really has a choice as to where she will be staying when we all already know where that will be." Carter interjected with a chuckle.

Both Brice and Vance glared at him before Brice spoke up first. "We are not going to force her to stay anywhere she doesn't want to if that's what you were insinuating, Mitchell."

"I'm not insinuating shit, just calling it like I see it," he laughed.

"Fuck off." Vance snapped back at him and all of us broke out in laughter while the two of them struggled to maintain their unaffected stature about this woman who had clearly gotten under their skin.


WHEN WE PULLED UP TOgates outside Brody’s home, I hit the intercom button. "Let me the fuck in, I need to see my woman!" I shouted out jokingly. Seconds later, the gates began to part, and I saw to most beautiful sight I’d ever need to see for the rest of my life, and she was heading straight towards me.

Keira. She would always be my heart and soul.

I thought to myself as I watched her coming down the steps from his house.

Running to us after we parked the car’s, I swept her up in my arms, swinging her around as we devoured each other like we'd been separated for months instead of only hours. Deepening our kiss, she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist. Suddenly hearing everyone clapping around us and Carter yelling for us to get a room, we finally broke apart but still ignored them. "You're really here, and it's really over." Keira kissed me again.

"I told you nothing was going to keep me from getting back to you. You own my heart and soul and I can't live without them, or you."

"I love you so much, Porter," she said with tears clouding her eyes. "I can't even tell you how..." Not finishing the sentence, she just shook her head and placed her forehead against my chest.

Pulling her chin up so I could see her eyes, I brushed the few tears that had escaped away from her cheeks with my thumbs. "What were you going to say? You know you can tell me anything, baby. Nothing will ever get in the way of the love I have for you."

Staring at me for a few moments, she says, "I wanted to die if I couldn't be with you ever again... I told myself that if I was sold... I was going to end my own life before I would ever allow anyone besides you to touch me."

Pulling her into my chest, I hugged her tightly, feeling the weight of her words, knowing I would have lost her forever had I not found her before she was sold. "I would have died inside not ever seeing you again. Everything I am, alive and breathing, is because of your love. When I left you all those years ago, I died inside. I wasn't living, not really anyways. Then you came back into my life again that fateful night and you breathed life back into my heart again. I've known what it's like having you in my life and what it's like missing you from my life and I don't ever want to feel that loss again."

Setting her down away from me, I brushed the hair out of her face and dropped down onto one knee. "I may not have a ring for you yet but I'm still down on one knee and asking, Keira Watson. Will you do me the honor of having you in my life as my wife for the rest of my days on this earth and forever after?"

Tears streaming down her face, she dropped down to the ground in front of me and placed kisses all over my face, then took my mouth in a desperate passionate kiss before saying, "yes, yes I will. I love you more than anything in this world. My life would be pointless without you. You are the only man that I will ever love for the rest of my life."

"I love you so much and you've just made me the happiest man on earth." I told her, pulling her in for another kiss. As we released one another, we looked around for the others, but found ourselves alone outside. "What do you say we go tell everyone the good news?"

"I say yes again," she said with a quick kiss before we got up and I swept her up in my arms, drawing a giggling sound that I would never get tired of hearing from her.

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