Page 57 of Protecting Keira

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As the tall muscularman, who told me that he was sent here by Porter, moved us into a room with one of Luciano's men, I tried to keep myself as calm as possible. When the door shut behind us, the man moved with lightening reflexes and knocked Luciano's man out, then tied him up with a phone cord before he called out it's a green light into some sort of microphone I couldn't see. Turning to me, he asked. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

My body just trembled at the thought of everything that had happened in the last 24 hours and I broke down, letting the tears of relief, I never thought I would know again, fall down my cheeks as I shook my head to answer his question.

"Shit, here take this to cover yourself up with, my names Brody by the way," he said, handing me his suit jacket. "I was in the Army Rangers with Porter and the others." Feeling relieved that he had a military background and knew how to defend us against the others, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was still holding. "Here let me help you," he helped me get my arms, that I couldn't seem to stop from shaking uncontrollably, into the jacket. "Porter and the others are..."

Interrupting his words, the door slammed open and I turned to see who it was, hoping that it had been Porter busting down the door down, only to find it was the man behind whole this nightmare I'd been living.


Drawing his weapon, he shot Brody without a moment’s hesitation, causing his body to slam up against the wall behind him before sliding down into a crumpled, bloody mess. "No!" I screamed out, trying to go to him and see if he was still alive, but I was stopped when Luciano grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me back towards him. "Seems you've caused me more trouble than you're worth," he gritted out to me, trying to pull me from the room.

Struggling against his hold on me, I attempted to use the fighting skills that Porter had taught me and circled my arm out before crossing it over his and slamming the hand down that now had a grip on my neck. When he released his hold, I grabbed for the gun before he could think to pull it away from his side, but he was quicker than me and moved it to my temple. "You keep that shit up and I will shoot you where you fucking stand, you hear me, you stupid bitch?! Now move!" he shouted, pushing me out of the office, while gripping my arm as he looked around cautiously before practically dragging me down a tiny hallway and into another room, slamming the door shut behind us and locking it. Picking up a phone on the desk, he held the gun on me as he picks spoke to someone on the other end. "Get me the helicopter now! I need to get the hell out of here! Shit’s busted wide open." Looking at me with a deadly smirk, he said. “and I'll be bringing a guest with me. Call me when you arrive at the pick-up point."

Hanging up the phone, he walked over to me, getting far too close, but I stood my ground, having the confidence that Porter would find me before he could take me away again. Running his hand down my cheek, he pressed the gun under my chin, forcing my eyes to meet with his. "I think I will just keep you and break you myself. After all, what do you think it will do to Mr. Jensen when I send him videos of all the ways I'm going to use and abuse that body of yours?" he said with a chuckle. "That alone will make all the trouble you've caused me worth it because it will kill him to see my hands on you, knowing there's not a damn thing he can do to stop me."

"You know you're just a dead man with empty threats talking to me right now. Porter's not going to let you out of here alive." I told him with a grin on my face, finding my inner bitch again.

Yanking me up against him, hard, I put my hands on his chest to keep the distance between us as he gripped the back of my head painfully tight, crashing his lips to mine, kissing me hard as I struggled to get away from him. When he finally let me free, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, looking at him in disgust. "You will learn to beg for my touch with that mouth of yours one day. I will make sure of it."

"Never!" I spit out with a hiss.

Laughing, he got in my face again. "We will just see about that, now won’t we? I have ways of making you beg." When he slid his thumb over my bottom lip, I jerked away, and he gripped my face. "I know you're a kinky little bitch and I'm going to show you just how kinky things can get when you have the right man standing behind you with the whip."

Listening to his words, I tried not to let the worry I felt show through the mask I'd built. "Fuck You!" I yelled, spitting in his face, earning me a backhand across the cheek that sent me tumbling to the floor.

"Maybe we need to start things a little early in breaking you," he started removing his coat and coming after me again just as the phone rand halting him. "Stay down." He growled at me, pointing to the ground. When he picked up the phone, I heard from his side of the conversation that the helicopter had landed and was waiting for him. With fear bubbling up inside of me, that Porter might be too late, I tried to think of anything I could do right now to slow down our process of leaving and give him more time to find me.

I decide that if Luciano wanted to take me out of here, he was going to have to carry me. I made a whimpering sound and let my body fold over from my sitting position and slumped onto the floor as if I'd passed out.

Hearing him hang up from the call, the next thing I heard him say was, "what the fuck?" Just after the door to the room was busted down, causing me to abandon the idea of playing passed out and sitting up.

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