Page 58 of Protecting Keira

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Listening in as Lucianoand Keira exchanged words in between the noises going on all around me, I kept heading forward until we reached the auction room, where several of the buyers and guards were either tied up now or dead. I searched the area for the room I had seen Brody head inside with Keira, when I suddenly realized by the conversation I could hear on the earpiece that Luciano was taking her somewhere else. Running in the direction that Brody gave us for the office, I busted the door in only to find Brody bloody and slumped on the floor. "Brody!" I yelled, moving to his side, trying to get him to come to. Looking at his wound, it seemed to be a through and through shot in his shoulder. Checking his pulse, I found that it was still strong. Hearing movement behind me, I turned and raised my weapon only to find Vance, and Agent Turner behind me.

"Shit! Is he alive?" Vance asked, rushing into the room to Brody's side.

"Yeah, it's just a shoulder wound. The bullet went straight through," grabbing the iPad from Turner, I asked him. "Did you see where Luciano took her? Wait!" I said, holding my ear and listening in on a phone call for a helicopter to come. "Shit! We need to find her now, Luciano just called for a helicopter! What room did you see her go in?" I shouted at Turner.

"It looks like he took her this way," leaving the room, he headed down the hallway. "You got Brody?" I asked, looking back at Vance.

"I've got him, he'll be fine. You just go and get her back."

Nodding at him, I left the office to follow Agent Turner. As we continued down the hallway, weapons up any ready to fire, he gave me the signal that someone was headed our way. Ducking into an empty room, we left the door cracked open, so we were able to see who it was. As I watched through the crack, the first thing I saw come into view was a gun, then arms. Then I saw the face of someone I would love nothing more than to shoot right now. Waiting for him to pass by, I quietly snuck out of the door and moved to come up behind him. "Agent Jackson. Fancy finding you here," I pressed my gun to the back of his head as Turner stepped out to cover my six.

Putting his hands up in the air, he released his hold on the gun. When I took the weapon away from him, he turned around. "Hey, I'm one of the good guys. I'm here to help find Keira just like you are. Tell him Turner," he said, motioning to Turner behind me.

"You haven't been one of the good guys for an exceptionally long time now Jackson, you piece of shit," Larson said, walking up behind him and pulling his arms behind his back. When Larson started to cuff him, it was evident by the look on Jackson's face, he wasn't expecting him to be here. "Surprised to see me alive and well?" he asked him as he spun him around to face him, then proceeded to drag him away. "Come on, you and I have a little trip we're going to take once we're all done here," looking back over his shoulder, he asked. "You guys okay here until I get him secured?"

"Yeah, we're still trying to find Keira, she wasn't in the room. Luciano has her." Just as the words were out of my mouth, I could hear her and Luciano's voice coming in over the earpiece again. I looked at Turner. "Let's go, things are getting bad in there! We need to find her now!"

Taking off down the hallway, I began checking all the doors to try and find the room he went into, and then I overheard him say that his helicopter had arrived. "Fuck! We need to find them now! His ride out of here just landed and I'm not letting him take her again!"

"Wait!" Turner whisper shouted, holding up his hand and then pointing at a door we'd come upon. "I think they're in here, I heard a man's voice."

"Move back," I lifted my leg up, kicking the door in.

"What the fuck?" Was all I hear Luciano say before I shot his hand that had the gun in it, when he raised it to shoot at us.

"God damn it!" He yelled out in pain. “You're going to regret that, Jensen!" He threatened, even though he had no business thinking he could right now.

"The fuck I will." I moved towards Keira as she ran at me with her arms wide open and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh, thank God! I didn't think I was ever going to see you again!" she cried, wrapping herself around me as tight as she could as I kept my weapon trained on Luciano.

"You should know that I will always come for you, baby," I assured her, placing kisses all over the top of her head and holding her close like I always did when I wanted to clam her fears. "It's going to be okay now." I could feel her body trembling against mine. Motioning to Turner, not allowing my grip on Keira loosen, I told him. "Cuff him so we can get this whole thing over with and get the hell out of here."

After he'd been cuffed, he stepped forward and started to laugh. "You think you've won, Mr. Jensen? You'll never win. All you've done is just delay the inevitable. Because when I get out of prison, and I will, I will come for you both and I will make you suffer!" He shouted at me.

Letting go of Keira, I pushed her behind me as I got closer to him, then said in a low voice next to his ear loud enough for only him to hear. "Which is why you won't be going to prison. I plan on making sure you never fuck with me and mine ever again and that's not just an empty threat, it's a promise I'm going to deliver on today. So you might want to start praying for your sins right about now, Luciano."

Stepping back to watch the words I've said to him register on his face was priceless. "You can't kill me!" Looking at Turner, he said, "he's with the FBI! It's his duty to take me into custody! I have a right to a trial! Tell him!" he shouted.

Looking back at Luciano, Turner only smiled at him. "Well, if I had any jurisdiction here right now, I would stop him from breaking the law, but since I don't, my oath to uphold the law means nothing down here in Mexico. I'm just a man helping out a friend by any means necessary to get his girlfriend, that you kidnapped by the way, back. Now move it," he began pushing him from the room, then stopped to look over his shoulder. "We have an all clear," he informed me, holding up his walkie-talkie. "Larson says that all the rooms have been checked and cleared."

"Good." I’m filled with a sense of relief that this was all almost over.

"You will regret this!" Luciano shouted out as he was pulled from the room.

"No. I don’t think I will."

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