Page 53 of Protecting Keira

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When the helicopterlanded and the door popped open, revealing Vance and Brody, I thanked God for the thousandth time for the friends I had in these men. Men who were willing to put their lives on the line for myself and Keira. As Brody got closer, he reached out to pull me in for a hug. "Brother, we all have to stop meeting like this."

After we'd hugged, I pushed him back. "I really appreciate you helping me out like this, man."

"You know the code, anywhere, anytime. Besides, I needed a little excitement in my life."

"Well, that I can definitely promise you that, brother," I said, patting his back as we headed over to the others in the hanger. "Did Vance fill you in on what we need you to do?"

"Yeah, he says I'm to go in as a billionaire by the name of Greyson James from England looking to buy a..." Brody stopped before saying the word slave.

"It's okay man, you're there to buy a slave. Keira is your target. I need you to outbid everyone else. Kelan has a false account set up in Greyson's name that will show he has more than enough t-to buy her."

"What happens when it comes time for them to collect and the money's not there?" Brody asked.

"It won't get that far. Agent Larson's guy is going to attach a micro camera in one of the buttons on your suit and when Keira is out there you just bid on her until you win. Then as soon as the bidding for her is over that's when we are going to rush the tunnel, so you need to find a safe place to hold up when the shit hits the fan until I can get to you."

"I will, after I grab Keira and get her somewhere safe for you." Brody stated, not surprising me that he would risk his own life even further then he was already being asked to.

Looking at him, I barely got the words out without my voice cracking. "Means a lot to me, man."

"You would do the same for me."

"Damn right I would. In a heartbeat."

We joined the rest of the men gathered from our team and Santino's team as we all went over the plans one more time to make sure everyone was on the same page of what was about to transpire. And what was about to happen would be nothing short of an extermination of the ugliest kind of human.

After Brody got dressed and looked the part of a billionaire, he headed off towards the limo as Vance, Brice, Carter, and I all followed behind him to go over any last-minute questions he may have. "You've got the invite email?" Vance questioned.

"Yep, right here," he held up the phone with the invite on it. "And the fake ID's for one Greyson James as well. Trust me guys I've got this." Each one of us hugged him before he got into the Audi limo that Santino had brought in for us to use. As we turned to walk away, Brody said, "hey!" Stopping us in our tracks, we all turned to look at him. "Last time you guys were supposed to stop by for drinks after, and this time you're not skipping out on me, got it?"

"You got it, brother," Brice said first.

After Brody was gone, we all headed back into the hanger and quickly loaded our weapons before saddling up in the SUV's to head out. When we arrived just one mile away from the location we headed to the van where all the computers were set up. As we all gathered around one of the monitors and watched as everything unfolded, all I could do was pray that they hadn't broken her.

My Keira.

My love.

"Okay he's entering the mountain, let's see how they get in." Larson announced.

As we all watched, we saw a man walk out of a side door and head to the driver’s side of the vehicle with a clipboard in his hands. "Name?" We heard him ask over the microphone Brody wore.

"Greyson James." The driver answered.

Looking down at his clipboard for the name, he nodded his head when he found it. "Yes, we are expecting Mr. James. Please proceed inside." The man turned back around and headed back in the side door before the mountainside seemed to part down the middle so they could drive through. Once inside, the driver parked the car and let Brody out. The man from earlier approached him once again. "Mr. James, if you have any weapons of any kind they will need to be left behind."

"I don't have any weapons on me." Brody assured him.

"Please hold your arms up while I run the metal detector over you, sir." Brody's movements told us he was doing as he was asked to as we watched the man run a wand over the front of him, checking for anything. "Okay you're clean. You will be escorted inside by Francisco here, but your driver must remain out here in the car like the rest of the other drivers."

"All right," Brody said before he followed the guy into where the auction was to be held. As he wound his way through a long hallway, we finally saw the auction room come into view. Brody turned as if he was looking around, giving us a wide view of what the room looked like and we could see that a lot of the men and some women had already shown up for the bidding.

Then we spotted someone we knew we were going to, Agent Jackson. "Fucking traitor," Larson mumbled as we watched him move about the room, conversing with a few people. But then he spotted Brody and headed straight for him. "Hold your breath gentlemen because here we go. We're about to see just how good your boy here is at handling himself."

When Jackson introduced himself to Brody, his eyes roamed over him as if he were trying to find the bug, we'd planted on him. "Hi, I'm Kevin Jackson, what was your name again?"

"Greyson James," he reached out to shake Jackson's extended hand.

"I've never heard of you before in this circle, how were you referred to our little group?"

"Not that it's any of your business Agent Jackson with the FBI, but I was friends with Pablo before he was brutally murdered." With a look of surprise on Jackson's face, Brody continued. "I wasn't aware your country was involved with our business this closely. Usually you individuals are not allowed to be this intimate with our world. Which is probably the reason you've never heard of me, Agent Jackson. I have the kind of money and power for you not to, and furthermore, I find it very disappointing that you’re here right now near my group of people."

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