Page 49 of Protecting Keira

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As we watched how the vehicle entered the mountainside, I couldn't help the spark of hope that shot through my heart, knowing we'd found where she was being held at. I just knew it was her in that car... I could feel it. "Can you get a closer look inside the vehicle to see if we can spot Keira in it?" Larson asked.

"I'll get as close up as I can." The agent told him.

As he focused in closer and closer, the only thing we could make out before the image started to get distorted, was three people. "Wait!" I called out as he tried to shift the satellite image in a different direction for a better view. "That's Keira in the back, look at her shirt, Vance!"

Moving up closer, he agreed, "it is! She was wearing a bright purple shirt that night! It's got to be her."

I looked up at the ceiling of the plane. "Thank fuck we are on the right track."

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Hudson. "We will get her back brother, and then we will end this whole trafficking operation of theirs once and for all." Turning back to Larson, he asked. "This is the only sibling Pablo has, right? We aren't going to have to worry about someone else coming out of the woodwork for our women or children, are we?"

"After we discovered Luciano, I did a very thorough search on anyone and everyone to do with Pablo and Luciano, and the only living relative I could find was Luciano. Pablo nor he have ever been married or had any children, so we won't have to worry about the next generation avenging their deaths either." Larson informed us.

"Well, we need to make sure this shit ends with him then." Brice spoke up. "I'm getting damn tired of these fuckers messing with us and ours. I say we just go in and round them all up and seal them in that damn tunnel and bomb the shit out of it, exterminating every last one of them, once and for all."

"That's actually not a bad idea. I think you may be on to something there." Larson stated as we all turned and stared at him in disbelief. "I think it's time I make a call to my old friend, Santino Balczar."

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