Page 42 of Protecting Keira

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As we all sat aroundthe fire, watching TV, my eyes became too heavy to hold open, so I let them slide closed only to be awaken moments later by what sounded like a bomb going off, causing my ears ring. "Porter!" I yelled, choking on the gases that filled the room. Hearing two muffled shots fired, I felt Porter's body stiffen and then relax under my hand. "Porter!" I yelled again, trying to shake him for a response, but my vision grew weary and then faded to blackness.

Feeling like my body was being jostled around as I bounced in and out of consciousness, I could hear several men's voices and someone barking directions. As I fought against my body, that was trying to pull me under, I heard another man’s voice. "Both men are down, sir."

Trying my best to stay awake and make sense of what was happening around me, all I could do was get out a slurred version of his name. "Poorter."

And then I heard nothing.


OPENING MY EYES, Itook in my surroundings. It was cold, damp, and smelled like death. Seeing nothing but darkness stretched out before me, I tried to get my bearings so I could stand up, but when I finally attempt to move, my neck was pulled backwards by something that had me in its cold hard clutches. Bringing my fingers to my throat, panic started to consume my mind at the feel of the unforgiving metal that held my neck prisoner. Feeling around, I found a heavy chain that had been attached to it and followed it down to where it was bolted to the ground. “Oh my God! This can't be happening to me again! This has to be some sort of horrible nightmare I'm having!” I said to myself. Slapping my face, I tried to will myself to wake up from this awful nightmare I'd found myself in, but when I didn't, the harsh reality began to sink in.

I'd been taken again.

But by who?

Who would take me?

Agent Jackson?

Hearing the lock rattle on the other side of the door, I moved as far away from the sounds and into the corner of the room as the chain around my neck would allow me to. In one swift moment the door slammed open and the lights turn on, causing me to jump and shield my eyes from the piercing bright light that bled into my eyes. "Well look who's awake." I heard an accented male voice say.

Trying to see his face, but unable to focus, I asked. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"So many questions for a woman in your predicament. But I’m happy to answer your questions after you've been cleaned of the filth in this God forsaken shit hole. Armando! Get her showered and cleaned up!"

"Sì Senõr." was all the man said before he yanked the chain out of the ground and pulled me behind him, causing a sting of pain to travel down my spine from the jerking motion. "Move!" he yelled at me, yanking on the chain again as he pulled me out of the room and down a dimly lit, stone hallway.

As he dragged me along, I could hear screams coming from a room that we came upon and then passed by, and suddenly it hit me again. Grabbing my head, pain shot through it like a wildfire running through a dry field, making my knees buckle beneath me and my body to fall to the ground as I cried out over and over. "No! No! No! Oh God it hurts!" Seeing flashes of a woman screaming on what looked like a computer monitor came into focus for the first time in all the flashes I'd had. I could almost make out her face but then the laptop was slammed shut before I had been able to. "What the hell is she doing in here?" A man's voice called out.

"What do you mean?" I said out loud like I was having a conversation with an invisible person, causing the man standing above me to look at me with confusion.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" he asked, yanking on the chain and causing me to scream out against the pain. "Crazy bitch! Get up!"

And just like that the memories were gone, and the pain faded from my head, allowing me to re-focus on the pain in my neck and back from being pulled on so hard. After getting me back onto my feet, he made his way down the hall, as I attempted to keep up so he wouldn't yank on the chain again. Coming to a locked door, he slips the key out of his pocket and opened it up, shoving me inside. "Get undressed and cleaned up!" He snapped at me. Standing there stunned, I looked around at my surroundings, and at the crudeness of the dirty stone floors with stains on them. They looked like blood stains to me, and I froze. "Didn't you hear me? I said get undressed and cleaned up!" The man named Armando yelled at me, making me flinch and snap out of my fixation on the room he'd pushed me into.

Turning to look at him, I pulled on the cold, heavy chain. "How am I supposed to shower with this thing around my neck?"

Pulling his hand back, he backhanded me across the face, causing my legs to collapse beneath me at the pain to my face. "You ask too many questions! You need to learn to just do what you are fucking told! Now get moving! The boss doesn't like to be kept waiting!" Picking me up, he pushed me further into the room while he propped himself against the wall with his arms crossed, watching with a leer on his face. Turning away from him, I began to unbutton my shirt with trembling fingers. I took longer than I normally would as I tried to get a look around the room, that looked to be an old locker room with several shower heads, for any type of escape. "Turn around and face me when you do that," he snapped at me, making me jump at the sound of his voice again. Not turning quick enough for him, he bit out. "Now!" Turning slowly to face him, I started to take my shirt off. "Mm, yes you will make a pretty penny for us at the auction."

Freezing at his words, I asked. "What auction?"

Walking over closer towards me, too close, causing me to shift away, he sneered at me. "The auction that we are going to sell you and the rest of these whores in here at."

Sucking in a deep breath, I realized just where it was that I am at the same time it hits me that Porter and Vance were shot. "Oh God."

The man chuckled with evil dripping from his laugh. "God's not going to help you now."

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