Page 39 of Protecting Keira

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After I left Keiraand joined Vance outside, I knew something was wrong the second he let down the guard he was fronting for Keira. "What's wrong?"

"Our tail has gotten closer. Jackson was seen flashing our pictures at the airport and he was talking to one woman in particular. Kelan says she looked up our flight information."

"How the hell does he know that?" I asked, knowing he was good at hacking into security systems but damn I didn’t know he was that good.

"He got into the airports security footage and computer system then tracked Jackson down. Since we knew that would be his next step I told Kelan to hack into their system as fast as possible so we could stay one step ahead of him."

Running my hands through my hair, I couldn't help the curse that fell from my mouth. "Shit! So how long do you think we have until they track us down?"

"Twenty-four to forty-eight hours I'd say, give or take. Brice and Carter are headed out our way now also. They finished up their assignments early and took the next flight out."

"When can we expect them?" I asked, hoping it'd be very soon.

"Tomorrow morning at the latest, I've already called Tanner and alerted him as to what's going on and asked him to meet them at the airport."

"Okay good. We need to go through this cabin and recheck all entry points and make sure it's secured tight. I don't want any cracks left exposed for those fuckers to sneak through and get to her. We need to make this place as secure as we possibly can."

Agreeing, we both walk into the cabin. "Where's Keira?" Vance questioned.

"I don't know. Keira!" I called out, trying to find her. Not hearing anything, I started to panic. "Shit! You look up stairs and I'll look down here and out back."

"Got it," Vance ran up the stairs, calling out her name as I searched the downstairs area and then out back.

Standing on the back deck, I scanned my eyes over the land and looked for any sign of movement as I called out her name over and over again, until I finally spotted her halfway across the lake, waving at me and yelling that she was on her way back. "Fucking woman is going to be the death of me." I mumbled to myself as I made my way off the deck to meet her halfway.

After we'd gotten back to the cabin, both Vance and I sat her down. "You can't just be running off on us like that Ker, don't you understand?! Your life is in danger!" My voice booms, trying to get through her stubborn head.

"Yes, I understand that Porter. But it's not like I was out there yelling come get me! I was just taking a walk!" she snapped back, standing up and pacing the room.

"We were just worried about you, Keira." Vance added, trying to ease the tension between Keira and I.

"Then tell me what you two are hiding from me! Because I know you're both hiding something! God dammit this is my life! I have a right to know if there's something going on! Maybe if you told me more, I wouldn't take unnecessary chances with my life that I don't even realize I'm taking due to the gravity of the situation! You can't keep me in the dark and expect me to not make mistakes where my safety is concerned. Don't you see that?"

Running my hand over my face, I blew out a heavy breath. "Please sit down and I'll tell you."

Sitting down in a huff with her arms crossed over her chest, she stared me down. "Okay, look, we have a tail. Someone is tracking our movement and we're going to have to leave here tomorrow before they figure out where we are keeping you."

"Who's tracking us?" she questioned, straightening up.

"Agent Jackson is. He somehow found the hotel we were staying at and pulled our photos from the security footage. He flashed them around the airport until someone remembered us and told him what flight we took."

She looked back and forth between us. "How did you find all of this out?"

"Tits McGee." Vance answers. "She Googled me and called the number I had used as a callback number when I booked the room. Once she realized who I was and saw that we work with the law she figured something wasn't right and called to give me a heads up. After that, we knew what Agent Jackson's next step would be when he got our pictures off the security footage and had Kelan hack into the airports security system so we would know the second he did."

She turned to me. "And now he's here?"

"We don't know yet. Vance called Tanner and alerted him as to what was going on and he will keep us informed if he hears anything. Brice and Carter will be here tomorrow morning. Tanner is picking them up and bringing them here. Then we will all be moving locations. There is an abandoned ranch a little ways up the road that we're going to head to and stay at. It's not nice like this place is but it’s necessary for us to leave here."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for finally being honest with me," stalking closer to me, she sat on my lap and grabbed my chin, holding me hostage in her stare. "And don't ever hold out on me again, you hear me, Jensen? I'm a big girl. I can handle hearing these things. But what I can't handle is you lying to me or keeping me in the dark, understood?"

Loving how strong of a woman she really was, I kissed her gently one the lips before giving her the answer she needed. "Understood."

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