Page 40 of Protecting Keira

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Mr. X

Picking up my phone, I could see it was Agent Larson calling me. "Larson, what do you have for me?"

"I have the evidence you asked for, sir."

Pausing for a moment, I asked. "And what exactly is that evidence?"

"I'd rather not discuss it over the phone, sir. I'd rather show it to you in person. I know it's already late, but I think you need to see this right away."

"Okay, you and Walker both meet me in a couple of hours at the old abandoned warehouse, the one we took down that heroine operation at last year on fifth avenue. Eleven o'clock. I don't want anyone seeing us meet up or it might tip Agent Jackson off."

"Yes, sir."

Hanging up with Agent Larson, I placed the call that was going to end both his and Agent Walker's lives. "Am I to assume that you have your pawns in place for their execution?" he said by way of answering.

"I do. East and fifth avenue at eleven o'clock tonight."

"Good. I will be most happy to take care of them both for you, and I thank you for giving me the first for my fallen brother."

"Happy to come to an agreement with you in this situation. All I ask is that no one knows it’s me that’s handing Agent Larson to you on a silver platter."


As I hung up the phone with Luciano another call came in, the one I'd been waiting for. "Tell me you have good news for me."

"You're in luck today, sir, because I do. I know where she's staying. Our men have been dispatched to retrieve her and bring her back to me."

"Where is she?"

"She's staying at a local Sheriff's cabin. A Tanner Coleman. Seems he was in the Army Ranger's with the men of Black Spade as well. Once I landed in Mulberry, I flashed my badge and was given clearance to check the security footage and saw the Sheriff pick them up. After that I tapped into our satellite footage and just followed the vehicle until it stopped at the location. When I pulled it up, I got the owners name as well as the blueprints for it that I gave to Victor for the team to use."

"Damn, did I pick the right fucking man for this job, or what? Well done, Jackson. You will be well compensated for this when you get back."

"Thank you, sir."

"Oh, and as luck would have it, that other matter with Agents Larson and Walker will be dealt with tonight as well. Larson finally called to tell me that he had the evidence he had been looking for."

"That's great news, sir. What evidence did they find?"

"I don't know. Larson wouldn't tell me on the phone. He wanted to show me in person, so I set up the meet. Couldn't have gone anymore perfect. Today is a damn good day, Jackson."

"That it is, sir. I’ll call you when I have the package."

Hanging up with Jackson, I leaned back in my chair and reveled at how everything was just falling into its rightful place.

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