Page 21 of Protecting Keira

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When the elevator doorsopened up to the deepest pair of green eyes I'd ever seen, I couldn't help the hitch in my breathing. Vance was way more than what I could have ever imagined. He was about Porter's height, dark hair, and had a muscular build that would have had any woman drooling at the sight of him. The jeans and tight white T-shirt he wore looked like they’d been painted on his body the way they hug all of his muscles.


The air instantly became hard to breathe in as I took in the sight of the two hot ass men standing before me. One that I was in love with and wanted nothing more then to spend the rest of my life with, and the other one so good looking, he was almost hard to look at. It made me think of the one fantasy I still had that they could both undoubtedly fulfill. When Porter questioned me about what I thought of him, I knew he saw the answer in my eyes before I even uttered a word, no matter how I tried to say it. But then the need to let him know I was only his takes over.

After we got out of the shower, I felt so relaxed and wanton from the way Porter massaged my shoulders, among other things, it breathed new life back into me.

Looking in my bag for the blue summer dress I’d packed, I slipped into it and turned to head back into the bathroom to fix my hair and make-up, only to find Porter leaning in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist, and a sinful smirk gracing his lips. "What's that look for?" I asked, walking up to kiss him as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight against his muscular chest.

"Nothing, I was just enjoying the view while you were over there changing, makes me want to stay in this room and keep you all to myself tonight."

Worried how it would be with us if anything should ever occur between us and Vance, I needed to voice my concerns. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, you can ask me anything, you know that," he leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Well... it's about that little fantasy of mine." I averted my eyes from him, unsure how to get it across to him that I would always only be his no mater what. Even if he made my fantasy a reality or not.

He pulls my chin back up, so I have no choice but to look at him. "What about it?"

"Well... you know that... well that even if it did happen with him, I'm not going to fall for him Porter, because it's only you I want in my life where it counts. I mean fulfilling a fantasy is one thing, but if it's going to mess with anything we have now, then it's not worth it to me. I know you and I always try to fulfill all of each other's needs, but maybe this one is..."

He placed his finger on my lips, halting my worry. "Shh," he kissed me. "It's never going to come between us, trust me. That's why Vance is the only man I would ever trust to share this with you and I." Moving us towards the bed, he motioned for me to sit. "Have a seat and let me explain." Taking a deep breath, he began. "Vance and I have shared a woman before like I told you. But he and Brice have always shared their women, and as strange and taboo as it is in today's society, they hope to one day find that special woman to settle down with. That's why I trust him. He knows I don't normally share so he would be of no threat to me since I know what he genuinely wants for himself. There's no worry on my part that he's going to try and steal you away from me, he would just be doing this as a favor to me to give you what you desire and help me bring you nothing but pleasure. Guilt free. All you would have to do is feel and enjoy."

"You make it sound so easy, but I still worry."

Placing his finger under my chin he brought his lips down onto mine. "Why don't we finish getting ready, head down to meet up with Vance, and just enjoy the evening. Take all this worry out of your head and try not to think about it so much. Besides, we’re just three friends having some drinks and a meal together tonight. That's it." Looking into my eyes, he said, "nothing's going to happen tonight, Ker. Tonight, is just about making plans to keep you safe until this whole thing blows over."

I nodded my head. "Okay."

After I'd finished with the final touches, having kept my make-up light, just emphasizing on making my eyes pop with some mascara and charcoal colored eye shadow, I added some curls to my hair before I called it good and walked out of the bathroom to join Porter. "Wow! You look hot, baby."

His wonderful compliment caused me to blush. "Thank you, are we ready to go?"

"Yep, let's get a move on." He took a hold of my hand as I finished putting on a pair of black heels to complete my casual chic look, I was going for. Once inside the elevator, he leaned down to kiss me lightly on the lips. "You really do look beautiful."

Looking at him in his jeans and black collared shirt, he'd left untucked, I licked my lips. "You look quite delicious yourself. And if any woman hits on you tonight, she's going to have me to deal with." I smiled.

"Well, I would say the same thing to you," leaning down closer to my ear, "but with you sandwiched between Vance and I for the night, only a man with a death wish would dare hit on you."

Aaaaand a shiver just made its way through my body, making me feel like an electric wire that's just been flipped on and set to high. Damn is it hot in this elevator?

I thought as I mentally fanned myself, seeing that image he'd just described in my mind clearly.

As he continued to watch me, I said nothing, I only swallowed over the huge lump that had formed in my throat.

He did nothing but chuckle at my reaction, placing his hand on my lower back to move us forward when the elevator doors open. "Oh my God." Was all I could say when I noticed Tits McGee, as they'd nicknamed her, draped all over Vance as he sat, waiting at the bar for us.

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