Page 22 of Protecting Keira

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Hearing Keira's concernabout having the ménage between us and Vance settled something deep inside of me I hadn’t really acknowledged; the slight spark of my own fear that I was having. I knew that there was no way Vance would never try and take her from me, but there was always the what if factor. What if she became attracted to him? Or what if she only wanted him when it was over? But after she told me about only wanting me no matter what, that small spark of worry I had diminished completely.

When we got downstairs and spotted Tit's McGee slithering her body all over Vance, I was curious as to how Keira would handle it. Would she be jealous? Protective? Or not even give a damn? But by the words that had just come out of her mouth, I was betting on protective with a side of jealousy. "Why don't you go over there and save him."

She looked at me dumbstruck. "How? He's not my boyfriend, he's your friend, and who knows maybe he wants to hook up with her. But if she even looks your way, I'm taking the bitch out."

Chuckling at her answer, I leaned down closer to her. "Your answer makes me incredibly happy baby, but now I want you to go save my friend from that shark. I can tell you without a doubt he wants nothing to do with the likes of her, she's not his type."

She turned around again to look back at Vance and Tits. "Alrighty then, let's go rescue your friend." The smirk she wore was so mischievous that I just knew I was going to enjoy the hell out of the show that was about to go down.

As we get closer to them, Vance turned our way. "There they are."

Seeing the clear get this chick off me signal he was flashing, Keira walked up to him and laid one hell of a kiss right on his lips, surprising all four of us, but no one more than Vance and Tits McGee, making me chuckle. "Hey baby, sorry I kept you waiting so long." Keira practically purred before looking at Tits with a huge smile. "Oh, hello again."

Twisting her head back and forth between all three of us, she stuttered out, pointing to me. "B-but I thought you were with him?"

"I am." Keira pulled me in closer by my hand as she draped her arm around Vance. Still not getting it, Tits said, "well you can't be with both of them."

Looking between Vance and I, Keira just simply smiled back at her. "Why can't I? I mean look at these two, would you be able to choose just one of them?" Tits shook her head. "Yeah, me neither, so I'm keeping them both. Sorry honey, you'll have to try somewhere else."

Getting an angry expression on her face, Tits stomped off mumbling to herself. "Man hog, unbelievable!"

We all broke out laughing after she'd gone, and Vance pulled Keira in for a hug. "Thank you for saving me, shit that woman just wouldn't take no for an answer. I haven't had that much plastic rubbed all over me since I took that case in Southern California last year," he chuckled. "Why is it women wreck their bodies with all that shit? Natural, that's where it's at. Boobs are supposed to bounce, and we love it when they do." He winked at Keira, still holding her in his grasp. If he were anyone else, I would be breaking those arms he had wrapped around her waist.

Having my fill of him hogging my woman, I pulled her out of his grip and closer to me. "Okay, you can give her back now."

Chuckling, he squeezed her tighter. "Aww come on, I thought we were sharing this beautiful," he looked appreciatively over her body, "and clearly all-natural woman, that's what she just said after all, isn't it sweetness? That you just couldn't choose between us?" He tapped her hip with his hand before breaking out in a laugh at the startled reaction on her face. "I'm just joking with you. I know Porter here is about two seconds from ripping my arms off if I don't release you," he finally let her go. "I've already got us a table. I was just waiting at the bar for you guys, come on, this way."

As he led us to our table, in the very back corner, a private area of the restaurant, we all sat down and ordered some drinks. After about two hours we were all a lot looser, making the conversations we were having much bolder and very honest about how Keira and I met, as well as all the shit that had gone down in the last forty-eight hours. Leaning over, Keira said, "I'm going to go use the lady’s room, don't you boys go talking about anything interesting while I'm gone, all right?"

Both of us spoke up in unison. "Yes ma'am." Then we enjoyed the view as she walked away.

The second she was far enough away, and out of earshot, Vance leaned over the table. "So, I'm not quite sure how to ask this, but what the fuck is going on here? I'm getting a serious vibe from the both of you. I know you don't share your women, except for that chick we shared when we were on leave in Tahiti, but that fucking kiss she laid on me man, and you not tearing my head off for it, is really confusing the shit out of me right now. So could you please explain to me what's going on here before I make a total ass out of myself?" Vance questioned, watching me closely."

Letting out a breath, I checked over my shoulder that the coast was still clear, and she was still in the restroom before I enlightened him. "You're not wrong. In fact, you're very right. Look, she’s had this fantasy to be with two men at the same time for as long as I’ve known her. Obviously I would be one of them, and you are the only other man that I would ever consider asking to do this with me, to fulfill that fantasy for her."

Leaning back into the booth, he shook his head, letting out a heavy breath. "Whoa, so you're seriously considering this, brother? I mean is this even something you really want to do, or would you just be doing it for her?"

"It's obviously something I would be doing for her, but when it comes down to it, her being fulfilled in every way is what’s most important to me. That woman has done anything and everything I’ve ever wanted to try, and you know my sexual appetite is not something a lot of women can deal with, so I am more than willing to give her this. It would just be a one-time thing, and since I know you and Brice want to find that special lady for you both, I'm not worried about sharing her with you. I know you would never fuck me over like that. Whereas if I just found some Joe blow, who knows what the fuck he would try and do. Her safety and pleasure are my top priorities in this situation."

"Of course I would never fuck you over, and I'm glad to hear you say that, but you're really into this woman and that can make things a lot harder than you think." Glancing away for a moment, he looked back at me. "But if this is something you both really want, we'll do it by your rules. I won't make a move without your say so, that way you're still in control of everything that happens, it will make you feel more secure in sharing her with me. I know it sounds weird, but the first time I shared a woman with Brice it's what helped me since I was the one bringing the woman into the mix. Just knowing I could put a stop to things anytime I wanted really helped me keep my head screwed on straight."

I nodded in agreement with him. "Sounds good, thank you for offering to do this brother, but it is all up to her whether it happens or not, I'm not going to push her in either direction since this is all about her fantasy and her wanting to make it come true."

"Absolutely, I know our first priority is to keep her alive and safe with everything that’s going on right now." Jerking his chin like he was trying to alert me to something, I turned to see Keira returning to the table. "So, do I have your permission to tempt her and see where this will go with us?" He asked quickly as she got closer to the table.

Giving him a nod as my only answer, since she was now sitting next to me, he returned a look of understanding.

Staring back and forth between Vance and I, Keira smiled as she took a sip of her drink. "What did you two chat about while I was gone?"

Leaning back on his side of the booth he crooked a finger at her to join him. "Come over here and I'll tell you."

Seeming a little surprised at Vance’s gesture, Keira turned to me. "Go ahead, you asked and he's willing to tell you," I said, kissing her on her forehead before she tentatively got up, moving to his side, sitting down far away from him. Her eyes kept darting to me, seeking my permission for her to even be sitting next to him.

Vance grinned at her, then patted the space between them on the bench. "Well slide on over here a little closer darlin, I can’t be shouting this out."

Nervously laughing, she scooted in closer, trying to pull off the this isn't getting to me act that I could clearly see she was putting on right now as she slowly moved closer to him. "Okay, I'm close now, so do tell what gossipy things you two were chatting about."

Reaching out, he quickly tugged her closer to him, causing her to let out a gasp as her body pressed up against his. Leaning down in her ear he whispered something, then kissed the side of her neck, causing her eyes to slide shut for a brief moment before they were ripped back open when he covered her mouth with his, kissing her long and hard before releasing her. Staring at her for a moment, he ran the back of his hand down her cheek. "Sorry about that. I thought I saw Tits McGee coming this way and I wanted to keep up appearances so she wouldn't come over."

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