Page 91 of Don't Date A DILF

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How could he look so angelic while also being so damn naughty?

I didn’t know, but I considered myself a very lucky man to experience the best of both sides of Clark Fletcher.



After a simple butnice dinner of stir-fry, Toby lingered at the dining room table. Hunter was practically vibrating in his chair, one knee jiggling, obviously anxious for his son to make an exit.

“Do you think Clark could stay for a board game?” Toby asked.

Hunter’s gaze caught mine, resignation on his face. Talk about a Catch-22. He didn’t want to say yes and prolong the time before we could be alone. But he couldn’t say no because that would mean I needed to leave.

I smiled. “What do you want to play, Toby?”

“You like trivia, right? I have this game called Kids Vs. Parents. I haven’t been able to play since…” He trailed off. “Well, Mom never really liked the game anyway. She says trivia is boring.”

“Oh.” I nodded. “Well, sure, we can play one round.” I glanced at Hunter. “As long as it’s okay with your dad and you don’t have schoolwork to do?”

Toby straightened in his chair, looking proud. “I’ve been getting everything done at school. I haven’t been sent to the hall in a whole week!”

Hunter reached over to squeeze his shoulder. “That’s great, kiddo.”

“Yeah, I don’t think you need my help at home anymore,” I told him. “You’ve officially graduated from the Fletcher tutoring program.”

Hunter looked alarmed. “You’re not going to come over anymore?”

“Well…I said Toby didn’t need my help. You, on the other hand, are going to need a lot of help with this house if we’re going to get it ready for the re-enactment this spring.”

He groaned. “You’re not kidding.”

“So, can we play?” Toby asked.

“Yeah, go get the game,” Hunter said. “We can let Clark mop the floor with us.”

Toby hopped up and ran for the stairs.

Hunter hooked a big hand around my neck and reeled me in for a kiss. He tasted spicy-sweet from dinner, his velvety tongue sending a shiver down my spine. His hand came to rest on my thigh and slid perilously close to my cock. I was valiantly trying not to get hard, so I was relieved when Toby’s feet pounded down the stairs and Hunter had to draw back.

He grinned at me, unrepentant, and I swatted his arm. “You’re paying for that later.”

“Do your worst, angel.”

Oh, I intended to. Something in my gaze must have relayed that thought, because this time, Hunter was the one to shiver.

Toby returned to the table with the board game. “So why do you like trivia so much?” he asked as he set up the board. It was a simple, narrow board with two paths: one for the parents and one for the kids. There were separate stacks of question cards, one for kids and one for grown-ups. “Is it because you’re a teacher?”

“I’ve always liked it,” I said. “Even as a kid. I was on something called Scholars Bowl when I was in school. It’s kind of like a trivia team.”


“But maybe part of the reason I’m a teacher is because I love learning, and trivia is a really fun way to learn new things.”

“I guess. Video games seem more fun,” Toby said. “There’s a story and action. Trivia is like schoolwork.”

“Hey, you chose the game,” Hunter said.

Toby shrugged. “It’s kind of fun sometimes, and I didn’t think Clark would want to play my Nintendo Switch.”

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