Page 90 of Don't Date A DILF

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“Yeah, it’s great. I’ll prep the rest of the veggies if you want to work on the meat.”

“I’m always happy to serve up the meat for you,” I said with an eyebrow wiggle, before remembering my son was in the room and shooting a glance his way.

“You guys are so weird,” he said, making my heart miss a beat in fear we’d given ourselves away. Then he added, “Chopping things for therapy?”

I chuckled. “Hey, I chop veggies, and you shoot zombies in your videogames. We all have our vices.”

“My way is more fun,” he said, then turned to Clark. “Um, can I ask a question about school today?”

“What is it?” Clark asked.

“You didn’t punish Will, did you? He was just grumpy. He didn’t mean anything bad.”

Clark wrapped an arm around Toby, giving him a side hug, and damn if I wasn’t jealous of my son getting affection from Clark when I had to stand over here and pretend I didn’t crave it. “You Rhodes boys. You always expect trouble.” He tsked playfully. “No, I just wanted to talk to Will about his concerns. He’s not in trouble.”

Toby looked relieved. “Okay. He’s pretty cool most of the time. He even invited me to his house next Saturday.”

I perked up. My son, out from under my feet on a day I could spend with Clark? Hell yes. Not that I didn’t love my kid. This was good for him too. “Hey, it’s awesome you’re making friends, Tobes.”

Clark nodded. “I’m glad you two are getting along so well. I think Will can use a friend like you.”

Toby beamed, then jerked his head toward the next room. “If it’s okay, I’m going to go play until dinner.”

“Sure, go on.”

The second he was gone, I yanked Clark to me and kissed him as if we’d been apart for a month. In reality, it hadn’t been more than a day since I’d snuck a kiss from him when he came by to tutor Toby yesterday. Still, we hadn’t had much time alone.

“Maybe I could tell Toby we burnt dinner and order a pizza. We could make such good use of our time.”

Clark laughed and pushed me away. “We’re not that desperate.”

“Speak for yourself,” I grumbled.

I started to pull away, but Clark grabbed a fistful of my shirt and yanked me back, kissing me hard. “I’m the dessert, remember? I plan to hold you to that promise.”

I nuzzled into his throat and licked his pulse point. “Mm, you are delicious.”

The sound of feet pounding down the steps reached me, and I reluctantly pulled away just before Toby returned. “I forgot to charge my Switch. How long till dinner? Can I get a snack?”

I suppressed a groan of frustration. “I told you to plug things in overnight, kiddo. Why don’t you grab a banana for now? Dinner won’t be ready for a while.”

When he left, I pulled the meat out of the refrigerator and started slicing it with sharp jerks of my hand. My frustration with asshole Zach had given way to frustration that I couldn’t simply touch Clark when I wanted.

“I think I liked it better when I got to take you on fake dates and kiss you for show,” I complained. “This pretending we’re not into each other and not kissing is way less fun.”

“No argument here,” Clark said. “But try not to take a finger off over there. I might need those for dessert.”

“Nah. I’ve mastered the claw.” I held up my hand with my fingers bent in so that the knife couldn’t catch a tip. “You taught me well.”

“I wonder what else I could teach you?” he mused playfully.

I groaned and shifted. “Maybe we could have dessert first while Toby is upstairs?”

“And make your son go hungry?” Clark laughed. “No. We’ll just have to wait. I hear anticipation makes dessert even better.”

“How could it?” I said. “I already know it’s gonna be the best damn dessert of my life.”

If looks could undress and fuck a man ten different ways, I’d be naked and sated. Clark’s hot gaze was nearly my undoing, especially combined with the way he licked those plump lips that had looked so damn good stretched around my cock.

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