Page 92 of Don't Date A DILF

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“Yeah, I’m not great with videogames,” I admitted. “Part of why I like trivia is that I’m good at it. I’ve never been good at sports, like your dad was in high school. I’m good at knowing things. That’s how I can stand out.”

“See, I’m not the know-it-all here,” Hunter said in a tone that suggested Toby had accused him of just that.

Toby stuck out his tongue. “You just think you know it all.”

Hunter clutched his chest and gasped. “Direct hit. You’re officially breaking my heart, kid.”

Toby grinned, then turned to the game. “Okay, let’s play!”

The second the game was over, Hunter sent him upstairs to bathe and get ready for bed. He led me to the sofa and pulled me down beside him. “Twenty minutes, tops. Then you’re mine.”

I smiled gamely. “I think you mean you’re mine,” I teased. “Your words, and I quote, were, ‘Do your worst, angel.’”

His expression was priceless, a mix of surprise and arousal. “You didn’t bring that, uh, DILF thing with you, did you?”

I laughed. “No. You’re not ready for that.”

He smirked. “You never know. Put me in, Coach. Let me prove I can play.”

I chuckled. “You’re awfully cavalier, but this is all new for you. Are you really not uneasy at all?”

“Uneasy about what? Being with you?” He leaned in, running the bridge of his nose up my throat and bringing his mouth to my ear. “I can’t wait to have you again.”

I shuddered, desire flashing through me like a lightning strike. I grabbed his hair, pressing him closer to my throat, and bit my lip to muffle my moan when he kissed and nibbled my sensitive skin.

“B-but…what about, um…” I couldn’t think with him lighting up my body, so I pushed him back. “Are you serious about doing everything with me? You’re comfortable with that idea?”

He looked thoughtful. “Yes and no.”

“What’s that mean?” I asked uneasily.

It wasn’t as if I was dying to top him. I didn’t have an aversion to it, but I enjoyed bottoming. I especially enjoyed it with a large, strong man who could pin me to the mattress and rail me. It was a cliche fantasy, maybe, for me to want some guy to overwhelm me with his strength and weight, but it totally did it for me. There was a reason cliches became cliches, I supposed.

But…I’d liked the idea of Hunter wanting everything with me—every kind of touch, every kind of bond. It was a romantic notion, if not a practical one.

“I’m not totally comfortable,” he admitted, “but I like that I’m not.”

“Why is that?”

He shrugged a shoulder, reminding me of his son with the casual move that was meant to show me he didn’t care what he was saying when in fact he did.

“Being with you, trying new things is a little scary, but it means I’m not complacent. I’m taking a chance with you, and so far, it all feels right. Almost as if…I don’t know, there was a part of myself that’s lain dormant just waiting for this chance. Like I’m learning new things about myself and my body and…”

“Your sexuality?”

He nodded and wet his lips, glancing toward the stairs, but Toby was nowhere to be seen. “I’m thirty-eight years old, Clark. How the hell did I miss this? I’ve been reading up, and I think I’m pansexual. I mean, bisexual works too, but pansexual feels more fitting because I think maybe I’m attracted to a person, regardless of their gender, you know? That’s how it has felt with you anyway. But I don’t know. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all this.”

I nodded. “Sure, that makes sense.”

“But if I didn’t figure that out until now, then who knows what else I’ve missed? I want to try everything with you because, damn, you’re amazing. I don’t want you to think this is all some sexual experiment. You woke this side of me. You’re the reason I started looking deeper into myself. And now I don’t want to go another day not experiencing everything I could because I’m an oblivious idiot or too afraid to recognize and embrace who I am.”

“I think you give me too much credit.”

“No way. If anything, I don’t give you enough.”

I laid a hand on his forearm. “You don’t seem afraid, though, and you’re not ashamed, right? I mean, with Kevin as your brother…”

He was quick to shake his head. “No, no shame. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if it’s because Kevin is my brother I never realized. Not that I’m blaming him, but he wasso gay.” I laughed because I knew what he meant. From a young age, Kevin had been shining his truth to anyone with eyeballs. “It just seemed like an irrefutable truth of the universe. Kevin was the gay one, and I was the straight one. And I liked women, of course, and they liked me. It was easy. Digging deep wasn’t something I did when I was a teen. Hell, it’s not something I did as an adult until my life blew up in my face. If I had, maybe I’d have seen how much Holly was struggling…” He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “My god, this is not sexy.”

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