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“You’re softer than you once were,” Mom adds, leaning in for another hug. “I love it, and I love you, my baby girl.”

I leave them in my room to get ready for bed and make my way into the living room. I put my phone on the coffee table and then go to the linen closet to get a sheet and blanket to make up the couch. I put those on quickly and toss my pillow to one end. I grab my phone before lying down.

I know pressing Andrew doesn’t usually go my way, but I can’t shake this feeling. I want answers. So, I pull his name up on my phone and tap it to call him. It rings and rings until his voicemail answers.

I huff, frustration fills my chest alongside uneasiness. What if Andrew is involved in the disappearance and murder of that girl? My gut tightens uncomfortably before I shake the despairing thought loose.

I know in my heart that he isn’t, but it looks like I’m not getting any answers tonight, either. A deep sigh leaves my chest as I bury into the couch, punching my pillow to work out the lumps. It’s going to be a restless night.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I step out of my car and try to shake the phone call with Charlie and Andrea earlier tonight. I didn’t expect Andrea to put it together so quickly. I thought I had more time to talk to her, and when Charlie called and confronted me, I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say or how to say it.

I was honest. I told them the truth, and I hope they believe me, but I gave them nothing more than that. I was a fucking coward and hung up. I’ll have a lot to answer to, and I will when the time is right.

If I move too quickly, all the years of work go down the fucking drain, and no matter how much I love them, I won’t risk it. We all need this, even if they don’t know how true that is. Though they will soon enough. I promise myself right now that I’ll tell them as soon as I can. As soon as it’s safe.

As I climb the stairs to the front doors of the house I grew up in, I stop and take in the monstrosity. I hate this place now as much as I did then, and I’m dreading this with every fiber of my being, but I don’t have a choice.

That sums up my adult life. My choices and those of my sisters have been taken for far too long, but I plan to change that soon. I can taste the fucking freedom. The life I want to lead is within reach. Maybe for the first time in over a decade.

The brief euphoria from just moments ago evaporates as soon as I step into the overdone, pretentious foyer of my parents’ house. I don’t expect this dinner to go well with the news that just broke across the nation.

Tessa O’Connor’s body has finally been found. I release my breath at the thought. My heart aches for her family and friends, but at least now they’re one step closer to justice.

Part of me wants to see the look on Malcom’s fucking face, but the other part of me doesn’t want to be around him any more than I have to. The mix of emotions stirring in my gut is enough to make me sick.

“How have you been, Andrew?” Daniel asks as he takes my suit jacket from me to hang in the foyer closet.

“I’ve been good.” I only think about Charlie when I answer. She’s one of the two bright spots in my life, her and my sisters. I try to hold on to that as tightly as I can. I’ll need it to make it through this dinner unscathed.

“That’s good, my boy,” he answers kindly.

Daniel has always been my favorite out of all my parents’ employees over the years. He’s kind, gentle, and patient. The exact opposite of Malcom and Katherine Shaw.

“How’s the family, Daniel?”

He smiles. “Everyone is in tiptop shape. Thank you for asking.”

“Andrew! Stop jibber jabbing with Daniel and get in here already!” My mother’s high-pitched voice rings out from the dining room.

Rude as fucking ever. I convey with my eyes how sorry I am for her rude behavior to Daniel before I turn and begrudgingly make my way to the dining room.

Better to get this shit show over with. I need to figure out if Malcom knows anything and get the hell out of here so I can work on things from my end. I turn the corner to find my mother seated at the table… alone. Fucking figures she’s in a big ass hurry to interrupt my conversation with the one person I actually like in this house, and Malcom isn’t even here.

“Where’s Malcom?”

She scoffs. “How many times have I told you to stop calling him that? It’s obnoxious and disrespectful.”

I ignore her words as I take the seat directly across from her. Once I’m seated, I take the fancy as fuck silk napkin and lay it across my lap. I reach for the full glass of red wine directly in front of me and take a huge gulp.

“Your father will be here any moment. He’s been detained with work.” Her emphasis on father only amuses me. I’ll be damned if I ever call that man my father again.

“Oh? What kind of work?” I’m curious to see if she knows anything. I highly doubt it. She’s always been more of the arm candy type, not one to use her brain for much.

She flips her perfectly manicured hand in the air to dismiss the notion that she would have any idea of what her husband is up to. “Why would I know that?” She actually fucking scoffs at me.

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