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“I’m not saying I did nothing wrong, because I did. I should have fought against them. I should have gone to the police, even if all I had was a hunch, but I didn’t. I allowed them to intimidate me and bully me into silence.” The anger in his voice hurts my heart for him, and the disappointment he has in himself gives me chills.

“Who’s them, Andrew?” Andrea asks sternly.

My bedroom door opens, and Jack walks in. “Are you okay?” he asks Andrea as he walks over to sit by her on the bed. He rubs his hand up and down her back while she leans into him.

My phone makes a sound indicating the call has ended. My eyes snap down to the screen. Andrew ended the call without answering who he’s referring to when he says “them.”

What in the actual fuck?

“Is everything okay?” My mom walks in, and her voice isn’t as chipper as it normally sounds. She must have overheard Jack filling my dad in on the details of Andrea’s life.

Andrea stands. “Yes, we’re okay. Thank you for checking on us, Margaret.”

She straightens her clothes and grabs Jack’s hand. He stands with her, ready to allow her to lead the way.

“Good, sweetheart. I’m glad everything is okay. Dinner is ready when everyone is ready to eat.”

As mom turns to leave the room, Jack and Andrea follow behind her. I toss my phone on my bed before walking out behind them. I’m pissed he hung up without answering, but If I’ve learned anything about Andrew, it’s that pushing him gets you shut out, and I won’t be shut out again.

Adalyn is making Sophia’s plate when we walk back into the kitchen. Sophia’s taken a seat at my small dining room table. She gives me a bright smile, and I do my best to return one just as bright.

“She okay?” Addy asks me quietly. I know if Sophia hadn’t needed to be pulled away from the room, Addy would have been at Andrea’s side.

I take a deep breath. “That’s a tough question to answer, but I think she is right now.” That’s the most honest answer I can give.

We all rotate through the kitchen making plates. Then everyone finds a seat where we can. My apartment isn’t really set up for entertaining, but I make do. Nathan, Addy, Sophia, and Mom sit at the dining room table. Dad, Jack, Andrea, and I sit in the living room to eat.

The news is still playing on the TV, but Dad lowered the volume to barely a hum.

I pick at my food. This is normally one of my favorite meals, but tonight, I just can’t stomach it. This revelation about Andrew has me spiraling. I can’t wrap my mind around it. I know Andrew has a dark side, but having anything to do with a murder or covering one up, no fucking way.

There’s little conversation over the rest of the meal. I think the news is weighing heavily on us all. Even my parents, because they know how this affects me to see my closest friends so upset. I toss the rest of my dinner in the fridge.

I get to work cleaning the kitchen to busy my hands, hoping it’ll help quiet my mind. My mom joins me, but she doesn’t speak. She knows me so well; she knows when I’m upset or pondering to let me be. Pushing or trying to help me work through it usually just agitates me. She works alongside me while loading the dishwasher. As everyone finishes, they bring their dishes to the kitchen.

Poor little Sophia looks so tired, and Addy takes notice. “We’re going to call it a night and get this little girl home and in bed. Thanks for dinner, Charlie. It was delicious.”

I smile. “Of course, anytime.” I lean down to hug Sophia. “Get some sleep, sweet girl.”

“Okay, Charlie,” she says sleepily in my ear.

I notice Jack and Nathan talking amongst themselves by the front door. I can tell by their expressions the conversation is serious.

Andrea walks past me to the sink and rinses her plate before handing it to Mom to put in the dishwasher. They exchange a tight smile. Mom’s expression is full of empathy. She’s never been through what Andrea is going through, but her heart is as big as the ocean. She feels other people’s emotions deeply.

I overhear Addy whispering to Andrea at the sink. “I’ll call as soon as Sophia goes to bed. I want to know everything. Everything, Andrea.”

Andrea turns to face her and nods before pulling Addy into a hug. It seems like no matter how hard the Shaws work to make their lives happy and normal and full of love, there’s always another blow waiting for them.

After we say our goodbyes, and everyone is gone, I finish cleaning the kitchen and straighten the living room and dining room up with my parents’ help. This isn’t how I pictured this dinner going.

Mom and Dad are ready to call it a night. I’ll give them my room while they’re here. I don’t have a spare room, and I don’t mind taking the couch. It just makes more sense. I go into my room ahead of them to grab some pajamas, a pillow, and my phone.

I hug them both and say goodnight. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you both so much.”

They both look surprised by my admission. I’ve never been big on the mushy stuff. They glance at each other before looking back at me.

“We’ve missed you, too, sweetheart. Something seems different about you,” Dad says.

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