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“We’ve got it.” Exasperation leaked through Carrie’s voice. “When is your date coming?”

Ugh. What was with everyone? Although I shouldn’t be surprised. Carrie’s parents were friends with the pastor and his wife, so it made sense that there’d been talk. I forced a smile. “Too busy for a date tonight.”

Marci’s eyes got wide and she gasped. “But Pastor Luke, it’sValentine’s.”

“Technically, that’s on Tuesday.” I watched the girls exchange a smirk and wanted to sigh. They were going to tell everyone I was planning a date for Tuesday. Which was fine. Let them. In fact, maybe I’d talk to Kayla about it tonight. I checked my watch. Nearly go time. “All right. Thanks again, ladies.”

I heard voices carrying down the hallway. Sounded like our first couples were on their way. I hurried back to the fellowship hall to switch on the music. Strains of romantic piano music drifted out over the set tables. The pastor had given me the CD and insisted on using it. I guess the artists—there were two pianos—came to our church, though they’d been on tour a lot and I didn’t think I’d met them.

I didn’t often get a chance to sit in on one of the services because of youth obligations.

“Oh, great, you’ve got the Carters’ CD playing.” Pastor Chaz appeared at my elbow with a grin. “I’m told they’ll be here tonight. I’ll make a point of introducing you. Nick is around more than Louisiana, but they both tour and we’re always happy when they can provide music when they’re in town.”

“They sound great. I’m sorry I haven’t caught them since I’ve been here.”

The pastor gave me a long look. “You don’t get to Sunday morning service every week, do you?”

I shook my head.

He sighed. “We ought to see what we can do to fix that. We knew it was a problem—Kyle often mentioned it. We just haven’t found a way to fix it.”

Ah yes, Kyle. My predecessor who could do no wrong. I wondered if he knew that. At this point, they could fix it for my replacement. Wait. Was I really thinking that? Oh boy, I was.

“You okay, son? It’s going to be fine. Not much they can mess up in the kitchen, it’s one reason we stick to spaghetti for these things.” Pastor Chaz’s voice held a hint of censure. Of course, his wife had filled him in on our initial interaction.

I offered a tight smile. “I’m sure it’ll be great.”

“That’s the spirit. I’m going to go grab my seat, but if you need anything, let me know, and I’ll do what I can.”

I watched Pastor Chaz join his wife at a table. He kissed her and held her chair out for her. She blushed prettily. He looked like he was in heaven. Most of the couples that were slowly filtering in and taking their places did. And I…didn’t care. There was no longing in my heart for that. Just a quiet sense of subtle obligation.

I spotted Kayla on the far side of the room. She looked nice—pretty, even—maybe I’d go over and…oh. She was holding hands with her date.

I followed the arm up and my eyebrows lifted. That was Asher? Aidan? No. She’d talked about him a little—he was her best friend. Austin. That was it. And I guessed they were moving past the best friends portion of the program.

Now I did sigh.

It wasn’t that I suddenly felt that longing for a wife and family—I didn’t. But Kayla had been easy enough to talk to, and I was reasonably convinced that if she and I continued going out here and there that everyone—particularly Pastor Chaz—would leave me alone about settling down.

Which left me where?

I caught Pastor Chaz giving me an odd look and realized it was time to get the show on the road, as it were. They’d set up a microphone at the front of the room, and I headed over to it.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks so much for coming out to our fundraising dinner for the youth. Hopefully you’ll have a fun evening with your valentine. Let’s pray.”

I bowed my head a moment before saying a short blessing over the evening and the food. It seemed inadequate to me, but I always felt that way when I had to pray out loud. Which just started me questioning my decision to be a youth pastor all over again.

God? What are You doing here?

I ended the prayer and smiled. “Enjoy your evening.”

I spotted an empty seat at a table near the back. I aimed myself in that direction, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone. I didn’t want to get sucked into conversation and have to explain, again, that I didn’t have a date.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” I rested my hand on the back of a chair.

“Pastor Luke, of course.” The woman was one of the youth group mothers, and I should have known her name. But I didn’t.

“Thanks.” I pulled out the chair and sat.

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