Page 56 of Fierce-Trent

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Neither of them was going to talk again. She couldn’t even think.

All she could do was feel and what she felt was a marvelous mixture of pleasure and pressure.

The pleasure was bringing on this pressure that was like a tea kettle getting ready to let out its steam.

It was building and the sweat was rolling down her back, her hands on his back, and she felt he was getting as much of a workout as she.

Trent’s bed was squeaking...or maybe it was her. She didn’t know at this point.

She only knew she was going to come and lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist forcing him as close as possible to her.

Her head went back, a moan escaped and Trent was pounding into her so hard that she could only hold on and enjoy what was happening.

Until he collapsed after letting out a few grunts.

Now he wasn’t so aware of his weight, but she found she didn’t mind that either.


Had This Covered

“Trent,” Janine said over the intercom a few days later. “Diane and Carolyn Fierce are here to see you. Do you have a minute?”

“I’ll be right out,” he said.

He had no clue what this was about. Unless it’d been too quiet on their front and they felt they had to get to work on him.

He didn’t need their help. He had this covered. Maybe.

Shit, he barely felt he had it covered and got one hell of a surprise when Roni showed up on Sunday and they ended up on his bed.

Then stayed there for hours.

He was so exhausted that his plan to cook for her ended up being takeout.

She’d even said she was too tired to cook.

If he wanted her to spend the night, he held back asking.

He didn’t think she was ready for it.

All he could say was that he was thrilled she didn’t pull away from him after. He hadn’t known what to expect, as Roni seemed to take him off guard a lot.

He got up from his desk and walked out into the reception area.

“Sorry to bother you,” Diane said. “But we stopped at Payton’s on the way and picked up cookies again. We are dropping boxes off and got one for you.”

“What’s the occasion?” he asked.

“Did you notice your new tenant across the way?” Carolyn asked. “Zander Conway? He’s a new private investigator. He’s getting set up this week. Or his assistant is in there doing all the things that Janine did here. We thought we’d welcome him to the building.”

“I did notice that,” he said. “I met Zander yesterday. Your husbands stopped in to see if he was getting settled and introduced us.”

“That’s great,” Diane said. “You might be of service to each other. I know Roni plans on sending out her newsletter again this week once she gets everything she needs from Zander.”

“It was helpful for me,” he said. “You found yourself a gem in that employee. Well, your husbands did.”

He was watching the two of them for any reaction. They were looking at each other and then back at him.

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