Page 30 of Mangled

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He nodded, a hint of concern in his eyes. “Right, right. I just thought maybe you two might get back together, is all.”

This was not what I expected. “No, Dad, that’s not going to happen. I’m seeing someone else now.”

My dad looked up at me, searching my eyes for something. “Just be careful, Leo. Don’t get too serious too fast.”

A mix of frustration and disappointment rose inside me. Was he only saying this because it was Ben? Would he have the same reservations if it were a relationship with a woman? But I pushed those thoughts aside and nodded. “I will, Dad. Thanks.”

With that, he clapped me on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen, joining the others in the living room. I stood there for a moment, the weight of his reaction hanging over me. Yeah, Aunt Alice and my brothers all seemed happy to know about Ben and me, but not having Dad’s blessing stung more than I thought it would.

I went back to the living room and spent another hour talking and laughing with my family. We cut into a chocolate birthday cake, lovingly made by Aunt Alice, and shared stories and memories, doing our best to embarrass Max in front of his new girlfriend.

“Don’t worry ’bout Dad,” Alex told me after Dad and Alice went upstairs. He wiped his mouth with his hand. “He’s just surprised, is all.”

“It was a bit of a shock,” Max added, then turned to Sasha. “They’ve been friends for a long time.”

“Yeah, I got that, hon,” Sasha answered with a grin and a shake of her head. “Is this the first guy you dated? Is that what’s so surprising?”

All three of us brothers nodded slowly, in unison, and then laughed at each other.

Sasha grinned, then turned to me. “Sometimes it takes the parents a bit longer to get used to the idea that they didn’t know you as well as they thought they did. Your dad thought he knew who you were, and now you’ve gone and shaken that up.” We all looked at her curiously, and Sasha shrugged. “I’ve got a trans brother. It took my parents some time to get used to that, but they came around. Hopefully your dad will, too.”

“Maybe.” I didn’t think my dad was prejudiced against gay people, but then again—he’d never been confronted with it in his house, with his family. “I hope he gets used to it.”

Alex snorted. “Dad’s just being stubborn. Don’t let it get to you.”

Max put a hand on my shoulder. “Bring Ben to Alex’s game next week. Maybe seeing you two together will help Dad come around.”

I sighed, some of the tension easing from my shoulders. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support.” I grinned at Sasha. “You too. Glad you could make it for today’s exciting news.”

After hugs from everyone and a promise to be at the football game next Friday, I got in my car, watching my family’s house disappear in the rearview mirror. The day had brought both joy and heartache, but I took comfort in my brothers’ unconditional love and acceptance.

With time, maybe my dad would feel that way too.

When I arrived back at our house, I walked inside, exhaustion washing over me—it had been quite a day.

Fuck, it had been quite a weekend.

Maya greeted me with a hug, and we settled onto the couch together, Chata watching us from her favorite armchair. “How did it go?” Maya asked. “How’s your family?”

“They’re good. I can’t believe Alex is eighteen.” My baby brother, all grown up. But then I remembered the awkward conversation with my dad, and my expression said it all. With a deep sigh, I recounted the exchange with my dad and the supportive reactions from the rest of my family.

Maya listened attentively, her hand on my arm, offering comfort and understanding. “I’m sure your dad just needs some time to adjust,” Maya reassured me. “This is all new for him, and change can be hard. But he’ll come around, you’ll see. He loves you, Leo.”

I nodded, grateful for Maya’s support. “That’s what my brothers’ said. Just give him time. It just hurt to see his reaction.”

She squeezed my shoulder gently. “You deserve all the love and support, Leo. Don’t let one person’s reaction overshadow the positive ones.”

Her words resonated with me, and I mustered a small smile. “You’re right. I got a lot to be grateful for. And Ben has been nothing but amazing throughout all of this.”

“He sounds like a keeper,” Maya said, a playful glint in her eyes.

“He really is.” I meant that, too. Silly as it sounded, after just a couple of dates and spending the morning naked in his bed, this might be the most important relationship of my life and I would not fuck it up.

Since I’d been gone that morning, Maya and I settled in for a couple hours of The Office. We watched the last few episodes of season seven—not my favorite—and talked more about ways that Ben and I could spend time together. Just as I was Googling outdoor activities near Austin that we might enjoy together, a text message popped up.

Ben: How did it go today?

Ben: Did Alex like the album?

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