Page 31 of Mangled

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A soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I typed out my response, my heart feeling lighter at the thought of Ben.

Me: It was good. Alex liked the album.

Me: Told my family about us. Brothers want you to come to a game. Maybe Friday?

Ben: Would love to. Let me see what’s going on that day.

Ben: What did your dad say?

I paused for a moment before replying, my fingers hovering over the screen.

Me: He might need a little time.

There was a long pause before Ben responded.

Ben: That’s okay.

Ben: This morning was magical. Thank you for that. [heart emoji]

Me: [heart emoji]

I hit send, overwhelmed by the emotions coursing through me. Just yesterday we’d been sitting at a campfire, looking at the stars, and now everything had changed, at least for me. Just like those stars, always there but hidden by the sunlight. It had taken getting out of the city for me to really see what—or who—was standing next to me. Maybe the love of my life.

And he’d been there all along.



The cacophony of metal clashing against metal reverberated throughout Fitness World, accompanied by the grunts and groans of gym-goers pushing their limits. I kept my gaze fixed on my reflection in the mirror as I powered through my bicep curls, sweat dripping down my forehead. The fiery sensation in my muscles provided a welcome distraction from the thoughts that had been clouding my mind all day, centered around Leo and his dad’s disapproval.

Leo hadn’t said anymore about it to me during our text chatter throughout the week, but I knew how close-knit Leo’s family was, especially after his mother’s sudden death a few years back. I’d watched the Brinkleys be there for each other, and their unconditional support made me love them all like they were my family.

Anytime I wasn’t able to go back to Indiana to see my own folks for the holidays, the Brinkleys always welcomed me into their home like a son.

Now, it sounded like our new romantic relationship might cast a shadow over Leo’s connection to his dad, and I felt awful about it.

“Hey loverboy, how’s that new boyfriend of yours?” Brad, one of the personal trainers at the gym, walked over toward me and began lifting on the weight rack next to me.

I let out a small sigh, though I tried to mask it with an eyeroll. Brad had a penchant for giving me a hard time about my unsuccessful dating history. “He’s good. Thanks for asking.”

Brad completed his reps, then released the weights with a clang and leaned against the rack, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “That’s good, man. Glad to hear it. Hope this one works out,” he added, as he picked up his barbells and began a new set. But when he finished, he turned back to me. “This guy, he’s a little different from your usual type, yeah?”

My arm stilled, then I continued my reps. When I finished, I looked over at Brad, knowing what Brad meant. Yeah, Leo was bigger than the muscle jocks that I usually dated, and probably considered overweight by these guys. “Different?” I asked, playing dumb.

Brad chuckled, knowing he had struck a nerve. “Come on, man. You always go for those ripped, shredded, six-pack-having dudes you pick up in the locker room. This Leo guy, he’s a bit on the softer side, isn’t he?

My jaw clenched. I didn’t like Brad’s tone or the way he was talking about Leo. But I also knew I couldn’t just punch him in the face. “Leo is a great guy,” I said, emphasizing each word. “And I like him just the way he is.”

Brad raised his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, easy there. I’m just saying, it’s not your usual type, that’s all.”

I looked up with a weary glance. “Oh, fuck off, Brad.”

Brad grinned and wandered off toward the free weights and I turned back to my dumbbells, trying to push the conversation out of my mind. But as I lifted, my thoughts kept going back to Leo. It was true that Leo wasn’t like the guys I usually went for, but that’s what made him so amazing. He was kind, thoughtful, and had a heart of gold. The way he cared for his family and friends was something I could only aspire to. When we were together, I could truly be myself, flaws and all.

As I continued to focus on my workout, Trevor, one of my workout buddies, wandered over and grabbed a towel, having overheard the conversation. He wiped at his own sweat before addressing me casually. “Never mind that jerk. He’s always looking for someone to mess with.”

I nodded, then sat down on a nearby bench. “Yeah, I get it. Just caught me on a bad day.”

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