Page 39 of Kenji

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“I posed achallenge to him, one he had to conquer.”

“I don’tknow, Chan. The guy seemed pretty riled up at the party. He looked asif he wanted to punch my lights out.”

“Part of thechallenge.” She responded bitterly, reaching for the tea again.“I have to find a doctor.”

“I’llgo with you.”

“You don’thave to- “

“I’ll gowith you.” His mouth was set in an uncompromising line. “Itold you I’m here for you, and that means through theappointments and whatever else you need.”

The tears threatened,and she had to will them away. “I don’t know what tosay.”

“Say you’lltry and put a positive spin on this. You’re twenty-eight-“He flashed her a grin. “Very soon, that biological clock willstart ticking.” He dodged when she threw a biscuit at his head.“You’re cleaning that up.” He was relieved to seethe haunted look had disappeared from her beautiful face. “Now,finish eating, and let’s get you back to bed.”


Chantelle tapped herfingers against her thigh as she waited for the doctor’sconfirmation. She didn’t get an expert opinion; there was nomistaking she was pregnant.

She’d sleptfitfully last night and hadn’t minded that Caleb had insistedon staying the night. She’d also insisted on accompanying herto the doctor they’d found on the internet.

Dr. Olivia Bransonwas a few years older than her and was a no-nonsense, attractive,black woman with a personable manner.

“I’vebeen to several of Kane’s restaurants as well as his wife’s,and I must say that, even though it’s horribly expensive, theservice is excellent. I understand that the waiting period to book areservation at Magnifique is rather long.”

“Wheneveryou’re ready to have the dining experience, just give me acall.” She told the woman.

“Thank you,honey,” She flashed her a smile. “I wasn’t fishingfor a reservation. That young man of yours could have come in withyou.”

“I prefer to dothis alone.”

“He’sCaleb, the writer. I recognize him. He’s quite the looker,isn’t he?” Chantelle recognized the longing on thewoman’s face.


That got her asurprised look. “I thought you two- “

“He’s mybest friend, and the father isn’t in the picture.”

“I understand.”A smile bloomed. “I’m going to take very good care ofboth you and the little one growing inside you. You’re veryhealthy and still young.” The smile came again. “I mightadd, I hate the fact you have such gorgeous skin and beautiful hair.”

She shook her ownhead. “I have a feeling we’re going to get very close.Especially if you put in a good word for me with that hot writer.”


“Now.”She stated briskly. “Like I said before, you’re healthy,and I’m going to make an appointment for you to come back andsee me after the Christmas holidays. I’m going to give you somevitamins to help with the baby’s development. Your approximatedue date will be the last week of August.”

“Imaginethat?” Chantelle managed a smile. “My birthday is Augusteighth.”

“We’lltry and see how near we can get to that.” Her smile faded asshe continued to look at the beautiful woman. “I’m notgoing to ask you what happened and why the guy isn’t around.It’s none of my business.

What I would like youto do for me is to have a positive attitude. It’ll be good forthe fetus and for you as well. I’ve had women walk in here,bemoaning the fact they ‘got caught,’ so to speak, but asthe pregnancy progressed, the changes were there. It’s going tobe the same for you.”


“What do youwant to do now?” Caleb asked her quietly as he strapped her in.He’d also insisted on driving her as well.

“Just go andlay down for a bit.” She leaned back in the seat and closed hereyes. It felt all too real now. It was now confirmed. She’dcome here with the faint hope it was just some anomaly, maybe hersystem was off due to stress, or the three pregnancy tests had beenflawed. “She likes you.”

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