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Kaden was thrusting his hips, trying to push Liam off, his face was bright red with an unrepentant rage. “Fucking bitches.” He grunted. “Fight me fairly and see what the fuck happens. Let go of me, you little queers!”

Remembering the cabinet where Bri had gotten the stun gun to shock Elise, I ran over and yanked the door open. My body froze as I saw what was inside. Belts, chains, shackles, paddles, knives, and all manner of torture and bondage equipment. Far more than I thought there would be. Plugged into a charger was the stun gun and beside that a stack of blindfolds, rope, and zip ties. Shaking myself out of my stupor, I grabbed a coil of black nylon rope along with the stun gun and ran to the others.

Drake was sweating with the effort of holding Kaden still. I jammed the stun gun into Kaden’s stomach and clicked the button. The electronic ticking sound erupted, and Kaden seized up immediately. His arms and legs went rigid as the current flooded through his body. Drake and Liam released him and took the rope from me.

Drool slipped from Kaden’s clenched teeth, and his eyes were bugging out of his head. Unsure how long it would take to subdue him, I kept the button pressed. My own jaw was clenched as I watched him jerk and buck under the electricity. A deep and very dark part of my mind enjoyed seeing him suffer. He’d been a dick since the moment he arrived, and he’d put us in danger by not obeying orders. He deserved this, and I was enjoying it, at least a little bit.

At last, I forced myself to pull the stun gun away. Kaden sagged into a lump on the floor, gasping for breath and unable to move his limbs. Drake and Liam pulled his hands behind his back and tied them to his feet, essentially hog-tying him, and finished by gagging him with the rest of the rope. Once they were done, they laid him on his side and returned to the table. I joined them and finished our meal, stealing glances at him as we ate.

Chapter 19

It was the weirdest thing I thought I’d ever experienced. I’d shocked him nearly into unconsciousness, and yet I sat and kept eating like I’d done nothing more than taken the trash out. He lay moaning and rocking back and forth as the rest of us finished in silence.

Right before we were completely done, my cuff buzzed: Take him to his room.

No one else had looked at their device. I’d been the only one to have received the message. My heart hammered in my chest. Sam wanted me to take him? By myself? I’d already locked the guy in his room, and now I’d electrocuted him and helped the others tie him up. How was that going to go?

Drake saw the distress on my face. He put his fork down and said, “Are you okay, Dahlia?”

I shook my head. “Not really.” I showed him the screen of my device. “I have to take him back to his room. What should I do? Untie him? I can’t carry him.”

Bong. “Everyone return to your rooms. Dahlia, please escort Kaden to his room. Now,” the voice said.

Drake stood with the others and looked at me. “I think you’ll have to.”

I watched as the others filed out of the dining room. Not wanting to get shocked, I stood and walked over to Kaden. He was still on his back but stared at me with hatred in his face as he followed my movements with his eyes.

My hands were shaking as I looked at him. The room was completely silent, and that made it all the more terrifying. I knelt down and stretched my hand out to pull at the knot of the rope binding him.

“I’m going to untie you now. It’s all over. You can go back to your room. All right? No more problems.”

Kaden stared at me, his eyes hard and cold, but he nodded slowly. That was good. I grabbed the end of the rope and yanked. The coils unbound and fell away. Kaden shook his hands to get them free and sat up and ripped the string of rope gagging him away.

“I appreciate that,” he said as he unwound the rope from his feet.

Relaxing a bit, I sighed. He acted as though nothing had happened.

“Sorry about all that. Like Liam said, it was nothing personal.”

Kaden got to his feet and grinned. “Yeah. Nothing personal.”

Before I could blink, he grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me against the wall. An explosion of pain burst through the back of my head as it made contact. The breath burst out of me, and Kaden put a hand to my throat. I gagged as he squeezed.

“Bitch,” he hissed and spit on my face. “Think you’re funny? Little cunt like you think you can take me down with that little toy of yours? Did you think that was funny? I may be stuck in this place with you pansies, but I’m not going to go down as easily as you all have

I slammed my arm across his wrist and got his hand off my windpipe. I sucked in a breath and kicked out at his stomach. I connected and sent him sprawling backward. While he was down, I turned to run for the door, but his hand lashed out and caught my foot. I screeched as I went down, banging my cheek on the floor.

Bong. “Kaden, stop. You will stop right now, or you will be punished,” Sam said, interrupting our struggle.

If Kaden heard or cared, he didn’t show it. He scrambled up and tried to straddle me, his face a mask of rage once more, like it’d been when the others had fought him. I tried kicking out at him again, but his legs squeezed mine together keeping them from being effective.

“How do I get out?” Kaden shouted, nearly squealing. “Tell me. Tell me how I get out of here.”

Too terrified to answer, I swung a fist toward his face, connecting with his cheek. His head jerked away from the strike, but he didn’t seem fazed. Instead, he leaned down and grabbed my throat again.

“Just tell me.” His face was no longer full of rage but instead panic and terror. “Please. I can’t be here. I have to get out of here.”

I was clawing at his face to get him off when another chime went off. Sam spoke again, but I was too worried about fighting Kaden off to hear what he said. I pressed my hand under his chin and shoved his head back. Startled by the move, Kaden’s legs loosened, and I was able to push him away. He tumbled to the floor beside me. I flipped over and scrambled forward, crawling on my hands and breathing panicked breaths as I made my way toward the door. I watched in horror as the door to the dining room was swinging shut on its own.

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