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Arriving in the dining room along with Liam, Elise and Bri followed not long after. A few minutes later Drake walked in with Kaden in tow. The new guy looked irritated but not irate. When they stepped in, he barely gave me a glance. He seemed too preoccupied checking out the room.

“Where the hell are we, anyway?” he asked.

“Don’t know,” Drake mumbled as he took his normal seat beside me.

Kaden snorted and strolled around the perimeter of the room. “Okay, so if we don’t know where we are, do we at least know why these people are doing this?”

“No,” Bri said. “Can you sit down, please?”

She knew what would happen if we didn’t sit like good little children, and like we expected, we were given a warning. Bong. The chime went off, and most of us flinched.

“Yeah, bro,” Liam called. “Sit down. Hurry up.”

Kaden looked at us and rolled his eyes in disgust, but obliged. He took Jeffery’s old seat and flopped his hands on the table. He was giving off the vibe of a pissed-off and spoiled child. He didn’t look like someone who’d spent god knows how long out in the wilderness. If there was wilderness out there. All I’d seen were a few trees when the door had been opened.

Once we were free to eat, Kaden’s questions started again.

“Do we ever get to meet the people who run this place?”

“There’s, uh, there was a guy earlier that said he owned the house,” I offered.

“What did he look like?” Kaden asked, his eyes snapping around toward me.

Bong. Another warning chime.

“Anyway,” Bri said, “This food’s pretty good, right?”

She was changing the subject. Smart. Sam was listening to our conversation. That chime had been a way of telling us to drop the subject. Kaden didn’t understand that though. He stared at Bri like she was an idiot.

“Oh yeah,” he barked. “Great fucking prison food. Shit.”

He stood and walked around the room again. Bri’s eyes widened, and I didn’t blame her. Elise sat silent, her face a mask of bruises, one eye swollen half shut, but even she was glancing at the new guy in horror.

“You need to sit down, friend,” Drake said. “It’ll go better if you follow the rules.”

Kaden spun around. “Fuck that bullshit. You guys might be scared of this dude, but I,” he jammed his thumb into his chest, “don’t fear anyone. This prick would think twice about doing all this if he came out and faced me like a man.”

It was hard not to roll my eyes. This guy was really into the whole male bravado thing. He was probably a total dick in the real world. The type of person who’d start a fight if another guy accidentally brushed his shoulder on the street or would start throwing fists in a bar if someone else even looked at his girl. That was all well and good, but he’d never been anywhere like this. He was going to get not only himself, but all of us, in trouble.

Another warning chime echoed through the dining room and the level of stress increased. Liam was fidgeting with his food nervously as Kaden kept walking around. Now he was running his fingers along the walls like he was looking for a secret passage or something.

Finally, Liam jumped to his feet and walked over, grabbing Kaden by the shirt. Kaden tried slapping his hand away, but Liam held firm.

“Come the fuck on. Sit down and shut up,” Liam growled.

“Don’t fucking touch me. Get your goddamned hands off me, you motherfucker.”

Kaden yanked his shirt out of Liam’s hand when our cuffs buzzed. I glanced down and saw the message that had been sent: Tie him up. Do it, or everyone suffers.

Liam was looking at his own device and sighed. “Hey, my man. This isn’t personal, okay, but I have to do it.”

Kaden backed away and sneered at him. “What? You gonna try and suck my dick, huh? You a faggot or something?”

“Jesus, this fucking guy,” Liam muttered and jumped forward, tackling Kaden.

Drake leaped from this chair and rushed to help. Kaden was raining blows down on Liam’s back. Drake grabbed Kaden’s arms and locked them in place using his legs and hands.

“Dahlia? Grab some rope. The cabinet,” Drake said, wincing with the strain of holding the man.

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